
If a 7'0 basketball player plays tennis...?

by Guest59741  |  earlier

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If a 7'0 basketball player plays tennis...?




  1. ?

  2. You would have a slight upgrade on Isner and Karlovic (who are 6 9 and 6 10).

    They both live and die by their service games (and look at their records, most of them are in the 6-4, 7-5, or 7-6 realms, very few breaks of serve from either side).

    Although, if you found a 7 foot NBA player that was ridiculously talented, then I would reckon he would be number 1 in the world by far.  Even if someone like Michael Jordan played tennis, who is only 6 foot 6, I believe with his height and his athletic ability, no one would ever be able to touch him.

    But who knows until it happens right?

  3. He/she would be run ragged.  Unless he/she could domiante points with a big serve and lethal groudstrokes and volleys, a body that big would be ineffective for long rallies. People that tall ususally don't move around the court as quickly and have a tendency to get injured more easily.

  4. what if?

  5. It could work. Play doubles, and you'd be amazing at the net! No one could lob over you.  

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