
If a Baby Survives an Abortion, Should the Doctors & Nurses Just Let it Die?

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Isn't that what Obama voted in favor of?




  1. No they shouldn't and yes he did, and they say unborn people aren't human..

  2. No, it isn't.

    Your representation of Obama's voting record is fraudulent.  This misconception has been corrected dozens of times in Yahoo Answers, so you really don't have an excuse.

    Many on this site are falsely presuming that Obama's voting against certain abortion legislation was because it provided babies the right to protection if they survive a late-term abortion.  He correctly has pointed out that the existing law provided such protections already, and voted against the newer legislation due to OTHER constraints it would put on the woman's rights.

    The act which failed in the Illinois Senate sought to outlaw pretty much ALL abortions....for any reason including deformity, terminal illness, rape, incest.  The legislation in question threatened the standing abortion laws in the state, while others provisions were bundled in that created liability for doctors, designed to intimidate doctors and make it more difficult to perform legal procedures. So Barack Obama opposed it for that reason, not to oppose protection of babies born alive.

    The act was designed as "wedge" legislation.  It would have no effect on medical procedures, but was designed for just for these sorts of attacks. The Illinois legislature, after Barack Obama left to take his US Senate seat, passed a law that explicitly said it wouldn’t affect existing Illinois law on choice. Barack Obama has said he would’ve supported that law.

    When a group does this, they put one horrible provision (the "infanticide" part of the bill) and package it with a bunch of other provisions that assault a woman’s right to choose. Then, when someone votes against the bill to protect that right, they say the vote was over the "infanticide."

    In reporting on abortion-rights opponents’ criticism of Sen. Barack Obama's opposition as an Illinois state senator to bills seeking to amend the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975, the media have promoted numerous myths and falsehoods about Obama and the legislation. In several instances, the media have simply repeated false accusations -- or made the accusations themselves -- that Obama's opposition amounted to support for infanticide. In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bill posed a threat to abortion rights and was unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct supposedly addressed by the bill.

    On the August 18 edition of his radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Obama "believes it is proper to kill a baby that has survived an abortion," while right-wing pundit Ann Coulter said that Obama "wants the doctors ... chasing it through the delivery room to make sure it gets killed." Further, author Jerome Corsi claimed that "[e]ven if a child was born, he said the woman still had the right to kill the child in an abortion," and Oregonian associate editor David Reinhard wrote that Obama's opposition was "enabling infanticide." In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bill posed a threat to abortion rights and was unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct supposedly addressed by the bill.

    So instead of thinking, "Hmm, this sounds just a little too improbable, that Obama would want babies surviving abortions to be killed.  I'd better research this first before I make this claim.  After all, I'm a journalist and don't want to be caught out reporting on something that turns out to be easily debunked, and that most people would think sounds phony from the start.  I don't want to lose my credibility as a journalist," they instead just MAKE STUFF UP, expecting their audience to be dumb enough to fail this gullibility test of a story.

    It's been said that, if it weren't for lack of context, there would be no news.  But this is ridiculous.

    You have to consider the source.  One source of these claims is Jerome Corsi, who has also written that McCain made his wealth through the Mafia and that 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush Administration.  

    Another source of these claims is Jill Stanek, who says domestic violence is acceptable against women who have abortions.  She also supports billboards in Tanzania that say "Faithful Condom Users" in English and Swahili, written next to a large skeleton, to discourage condom use.  She claims that "aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies" in China to which she added, "I think this stuff is happening."

    Nurse Jill Stanek claimed that fetuses that were born alive at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, were abandoned without treatment, including in a soiled utility room.  The Illinois Atty. General's office, then under abortion foe Jim Ryan, directed the Illinois Dept. of Public Health to conduct a thorough investigation of the claims, because what she was alleging were violations of existing law, supporting Obama's position that Illinois law already prohibited the conduct.  Illegalities aside, Ryan was naturally quite concerned that such heinous activity could be going on in a hospital, as an

  3. Since almost 99% of all abortions occur prior to 12 weeks that really is not an issue since at 12 weeks there is zero chance of the fetus surviving outside of the womb.  If you are referring to later term abortions (abortions occurring at 27 weeks and later) that could be possible but even at 27 weeks, born normally, the survival rate is maybe 10%.  Late term abortions are rare, accounting for 3 tenths of 1% of all abortions and are almost always performed when the health of the mother is at risk.

    Last year there were a total of about 450.

  4. Don't they have to take an oath?

    I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

    I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

    I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

    Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all intentional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves.

    What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself, holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

    If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.

  5. He sure did. He opposed the bill in 2003 that was Illinois’ version of the federal Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. (the bill even included Roe-neutral language and was acceptable by pro-choice people)  He can twist it now all he wants but facts are stubborn things.

  6. No it's not what Obama voted for.

    Abortion is a personal choice. Illegalization of abortion is simply against freedom concept.

    And a fetus could not survive out of a body. You can't abort a baby, you can only abort a fetus until about the 10-12th week.

  7. No.

    Obama voted to allow children to die.

    In 2004, he said that he would try to get a similar law passed as a U.S. Senator.

    "He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive. " .."During his 2004 run for U.S. Senate, Obama said he supported similar federal legislation that included language clarifying that the measure did not interfere with abortion rights. "

  8. no. it's not what he's in favor of.

    he voted against legislation that unconstitutional.

    not voting for this legislation had no effect of the law ALREADY IN PLACE that requires Doctors to give medical attention to any born alive baby.

    all barack obama voted against was additional unconstitutional language  (language that was PROVEN unconsititutional when the legislation did not pass through an appeal)

  9. Yes he did vote for that despite his denials. He's a scum bag.

  10. Obama also sleeps with an axe in his bed, steals candy from little babies, and is secretly trying to take over the world and named Emperor of the OBAMA EMPIRE. Get over yourselves!

    Christians believe that a man who saves a billion lives and does a billion actions of good, can still go to h**l because he doesn't believe, a ****** up world we live in ai?

  11. Yes he did !

    Even among most liberals that is heartless. The man is a ghoul.

  12. Absolutely not, they should give it to a Republican

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