
If a British person married an American would that make the British person a US citizen aswell as Uk citizen?

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and the American as a Uk citizen aswell?




  1. Marriage does not make one a citizen in the United States.  You will have to go thru citizenship classes and pass tests, etc.

  2. It would make it possible to go through the citizenship process in either country; however, the US and the UK have different rules about dual citizenship.  I hold American citizenship, and until age 18 also held British citizenship which is apparently still valid when I am in the UK but is not recognized within the US, it became invalid in the US on my 18th birthday.  Of course, I haven't checked up on this since the early 90s, not having had the cash to go back since then, so I may be a little out of date on this.  You might check with the British Embassy, they probably have a very clear explanation of all these quirks for you, and in most cases are very happy to help you sort through everything.

  3. For both countries, citizenship is not automatic.  The American can petition for the British spouse, who will then get a green card and later can apply for citizenship if he/she wants to; it works the same the other way, as well.

    And neither country has any laws against dual citizenship.  Nor do you lose citizenship on your 18th birthday.

  4. marrying an american would make u eligible to became a US citizen

    i think u would have to loose your british citizenship after u became an American citizenship

    because i m not sure if Britain has a dual citizenship policy

  5. If someone marries a Citizen from another Country then

    sometimes the spouse loses Citizenship from their original

    Country..especially it they move there.However it is not

    impossible for a person to have dual Citizenship.Feel

    Free to Consult the State Department for complete awnsers

    on Dual Citizenship and how they might apply to your


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