
If a Lady, during her monthly, goes swimming in the ocean, and there are sharks in the area, is that a problem

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If a Lady, during her monthly, goes swimming in the ocean, and there are sharks in the area, is that a problem




  1. Yes

  2. I'm no expert at sharks but from what i hear sharks rarely attack people and although they are attracted to blood they rarely actually attack people

  3. YES. I live in Florida/Alabama and it is pretty common knowledge around here not to go in the ocean during your period (even if you're wearing a tampon)

    Sharks have ultra sensitive senses to detect blood. When they "smell" it, they go into a frenzy.

  4. Vaginal blood is completely different from normal blood hun, during your period, whats coming out is a dead unfertilized egg and your vaginal lining that would have been for a baby, a bear wouldnt smell it either.

  5. from my experience and i dnt wanna sound coky or anything but i am 14 and i am a state squad swimmer and i got my period ages ago and becaus eof the level i was at i coodnt stop swimming once a month so me n my mum went to the doctor and she sed that it is practically impossible so leek ur lining out in the water for whatevaer reason i dont kno but thats what she sed but i always had a tampon but some of my friends wore nothing but wore 2 bathing suites (it didnt look stupid tho even tho it sounds it) i thought it was a bit gross but nothign happpened to them but wen we got out of the pool 2 pee and stuff just try*redcheeks* let it out like lol hope that helped even tho im only 14 but my doctor sed it and my friends had no trouble so i dnt think u r gunna get eaten by a shark....and if it is possible i hope that you DONT get eaten by one

  6. i don't think so, but i wouldn't swim in an area where there are sharks even if i wasn't having my monthly (which i physically can't get)

  7. well I'd say so, blood is blood

  8. no! it is proven that there are no problems w/that

    ps put this in a different section

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