
If a Muslim girl does not wear hijab, will other Muslims judge her?

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Even if she is devout in the rest of her actions, but does not wear hijab, although, she may dress modestly, will other Muslims judge her for not wearing hijab? What do you think of a woman who does not wear hijab?




  1. Muslims live in the past,

    what good is a piece of cloth in the head?

    our actions speak louder that some clothing.

    God only sees what 's on the inside anyways

  2. In Malaysia which is a majority Muslim country, it is ultimately rare to find hijab-wearing women. Muslim women that ever comes close would just wear a hearscarf (tudung). In fact alot about 60% of Muslim women here just let their hair free because if you wear a hijab here, people would think you are weird or you are not from this country :(

    So to answer your question, I don't think so other girls would really care much because only Allah knows what to do, it is not for us to judge.

  3. Not really cause i know many hijab wearing girls n they're not very good muslims so yeah it all depends on how you carry yourself but it's still better to wear one cause then you'll feel more complete n dun have to worry about other muslims judging you (like rite now) cause you asked a question about it

  4. Well this is a two bias question. As a muslim i will tell you that it is our duty to wear hijab because is something that Allah (Subhana wa Tallah) order. And we should not create any kind of polemic above something that Allah order us. But of course it is something personal and between you and Him, no body should comment on your not wear hijab or wear it. Moreover it has become a topic and i should say hot topic of the actual muslim woman in such way that there are some sisters that think they are the only one who are good islam practice because they are wearing hijab and critize the one who are not wearing it. But at the same time there are woman who consider a woman using hijab as a backwarded or uneducated and critized them as for the fact that they are not wearing hijab they are the modern and intelligent and the only one who has right to do or not do things.

    So the point is not who will critize who, in both case there is a strong untolerance that instead of keeping us united as a sisters in islam is keeping us away of each other. Ä° think the most important is the respect towards each other and remember that we are not the one who will judge, we are not body to jugde and the only thing we should care is how we are as a person as a muslim and how is our relation with Allah.

  5. Depends on the person. My Iranian neighbors were of "liberal" Muslims and my friend's mom didn't wear one. She seemed pretty relaxed about it.

    I think it's the same in any religion. You always have some sort of gradient in opinion from the more liberal to the more conservative.

  6. To judge is to be judged but unfortuantly that is what they do exactly! AStugfarAllah!!!! they need a good smack!

    I meet many women that are far more pious without hijab than any woman that has it.

    We have laws and governments, rights and privilages.. we are far beyond those days! There is a reason for the covering and we are most of us anyway far better than all that... but there is still men pigs in this earth so I guess its still needed till they are all removed from their filth. A woman would never have to do anything like that if it wasn't for the pathetic non control of a man.


  7. Yes, I will judge only hijab part of her. And final Judge will be Allah SW.

  8. As I always say, there is no compulsion in religion.  This is something between you and your Creator, Allah. Of course there will be people, who may be judgemental about it, but for me, knowing the importance of hijab to the Muslim woman, I would rather advice her, but it will still be her choice.  I find it more sincere and fulfilling to follow (worship) Allah if it really comes from the heart, with the pure intention to please Him, rather than because the society or some people dictate you to do so.  

  9. I am a muslim girl that doesn't yet wear the hijab and I don't get judged. I also don't judge others that do, and I don't judge others that don't. Allah is the only one that can judge.  

  10. In islam Hijab is a dress of modesty, that covers her whole body except hand and face.

    But yo others it varies from total covering to a corkand two small stickers or a cork alone.

    Judges or not you dressed modestly to your thinking, and another coming with bikey or chikney only what you feel about other, if you say nothing I cann't agree.

  11. Sister it totally depends on other person's thinking. I wear full islam dress, Alhumdulliah (All praise be to Allah), and if i will see a muslim girl not wearing hijab, i will pray for her to be guided.

    But my dear sisters it shouldn't bother us what other people might think or say, but what MUST bother us is that how will be giving accounting to Allah (swt)?. Allah is our Lord, if He wishes to  be benfit us none can withhold it also if Allah wishes to punish us ( bcoz of our evil deeds) none can help us against us. So the pleasure of Allah must be above all for us.

    Moreover, Allah says in the Quran that Respect is Allah's and of His Messenger and of the True belivers. Sister the respect that Allah gives a person is the real respect.

    You can take an example from my life, I reverted and now i try my level best to pratise my Religon in all aspects of my life. So, Alhumdulliah I have gained more respect in the muslim community then i could ever imigine, subhanAllah (Glory be to Allah). Even from the people who knew me before i reverted.

    Sister, Islam is a beautiful and most logical way of life. Allah has shown us the way but the choice is ours weather to follow it or not.

    May Allah(swt) guide you and let you feel the true happinese and peace of the month Ramadan----Ameen (May it be so).

  12. Maybe some, but God surely will

  13. Muslim cleric: women incite men's lust with 'satanic dress'

        * Veiled threat an insult to all

    A Muslim sheik told followers at a public meeting in Bankstown that women who were raped had incited men's lust by dressing immodestly and only had themselves to blame.

    Sydney-born Sheik Faiz Mohamad, 34, a former boxer who teaches at the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, made the comments during a lecture for more than 1000 people at Bankstown Town Hall.

    The Sun-Herald has a recording of the March 18 speech in which Sheik Faiz said: "A victim of rape every minute somewhere in the world. Why? No one to blame but herself. She displayed her beauty to the entire world . . .

    "Strapless, backless, sleeveless, nothing but satanic skirts, slit skirts, translucent blouses, miniskirts, tight jeans: all this to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature."

    He compared a woman dressed in such a way to a sheep. "Would you put this sheep that you adore in the middle of hungry wolves? No . . . It would be devoured. It's the same situation here. You're putting this precious girl in front of lustful, satanic eyes of hungry wolves. What is the consequence? Catastrophic devastation, sexual harassment, perversion, promiscuity."


    The invitation to the $15-a-head lecture stipulated modest dress and "strict male and female segregation". It was promoted as a lecture about "death" in flyers and on the website of the ICRA Youth Centre in Lidcombe, an Islamic community group which sponsored the evening.

    The ICRA and Faiz's Global Islamic Youth Centre have broken away from the Lakemba Mosque, the main place of worship for Sydney's Lebanese Muslims, because, a former associate says, Sheik Taj Aldin Alhilali, 64, is too moderate.

    Sheik Faiz also exhorted Muslim women to wear the hijab head covering as "a liberation from male scrutiny".

    "It's sad to see today how young girls are being brought up," he said. "The way they dress, their hairstyles . . . layers of make-up, which they just shovel on in order to remove afterwards, tanning out in the sun, bronzed, shiny so she can shine the lustful eyes of men; extreme dieting, working out. Why? So she can get the best figure, but not for her husband."

    He also condemned the soap opera Days Of Our Lives, which he said made wives negative towards their husbands, and said "premarital s*x is fashionable, that manipulation, deceit, cheating, lying falsehood are all essential ways to get the man or lady of your dreams".

    Sheik Faiz declined to be interviewed.

  14. I wear a hijab but some of my Muslim friends do not. I try to explain why it is good to wear a hijab but if they don't wear one, I don't jude them or treat them differently. ultimately it is between them and God...ultimately their decision. that's the point of Islam people don't get. You try to explain Islam to them, but you do not force them to do anything. your duty is just to spread the belief and let others decide if they want to accept it.

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