
If a TV is on in a darkroom, why does the room turn blue?

by  |  earlier

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are you friggin stupid? turn on a TV in a DARK room and it turns a blue color. do you think a 12 yr old would get high? the whole room doesn't turn blue, just the areas lit up by the TV! but why!?




  1. Sorry about the other people...  I have seen myself since I was a kid looking into other houses (just in passing) that the whole rooms would glow blue.  

    I unfortunately don't know why.  Just mentioning I 've noticed it too since everyone says this is strange, so just saying that it's not.

  2. It's the light from the T.V. shining.

    Depends on what is on the T.V. as well, because of the color reflecting.

  3. becoz ur watching swimming

  4. it is depend on the shows. if the show or the background is color blue then it will be emitting blue colors. if the background is red then you tv will emitt red colors. THAT's IT......

  5. dude are you high

    rooms dont turn blue

  6. Maybe you are using a blue colored contact lense.

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