
If a WW III where to start from Russia Invading Georgia which countries would be involved and on what side?

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If a WW III where to start from Russia Invading Georgia which countries would be involved and on what side?




  1. China will sit it out and get rich from selling both sides the goods they need to fight the war.  

  2. Well you got NATO first, then you have Japan and Australia too who would join.  One because of the territory of Russia is so close and Australia for it's continued steadfast friendship with the USA for saving them in WW2 from Japan.  The question is does North Korea attack South Korea in hopes of a quick victory during a time of distraction.  Does Iran decide to be Russia's ally.

    The Russian's have a lot more to lose this time around as a capitalist economy and world trade at stake.  

  3. It would be a rare country to escape from the next one unscathed. In other words, all of them. EXCEPT; South America would prob sit it out and glory in being the only place still whole. They want us ruined, anyway.(I'm referring to at least one particular country...)

  4. China and Iran would side with Russia as the have often been called the othert axis and are in discussions to create their own Nato, China does not need the US for economic purposes as it has been exporting a lot more to Europe and other countries. Europe would possibly be divided as Russia is EU and US is not US is nato russia is not.

  5. This is the best you can do?

  6. I shudder to think that the crisis would brew that intensely.

    The world's nations are far too integrated to take sides like this. If war were to break out on other fronts, it would be after military action by Russia elsewhere. Undoubtedly, if action were taken against an EU member or NATO member, the nations of NATO (which includes most of Europe and the US) would rise to defend against Russia.

    It would be gang-up-on-Russia time. China wouldn't even come in to bail them out - they need our trade ties far too much. Although China might take the opportunity to strike at Taiwan at this point.

  7. Georgia is not a NATO member, so NATO countries are not obliged to participate in such a war. That's why the central and western European countries would be neutral. USA would be supported by UK,Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Israel, Albania, Croatia etc. Russia's allies would be Northern Korea, China, Iran, Arab states, Serbia, Belarus, Venezuela, Cuba, Armenia, the Kurds etc. The rest of the countries could be involved because of a domino: For example Greece and Cyprus could be involved if Turkey attacked them. Or India and Pakistan if there was a conflict for Pamir and Southern American states such as Bolivia, Colombia etc. because of conflicts between them.

  8. i believe that iran, north korea, and syria and cuba would help russia, but england, isreal, and china would be on our side

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