
If a addiction counselor is overweight. How can you take them serious?

by Guest57761  |  earlier

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If a addiction counselor is overweight. How can you take them serious?




  1. If you oncologist had cancer, you would take his/her advice seriously.

    If your mechanic had a flat tire on the way to work, you would take his/her advice seriously.

    In the same way, if mental health professionals themselves struggle with very human issues (e.g., weight), you take their advice seriously. Training, education, and expertise in a given area (e.g., psychology) do not make one immune to psychological issues. With a few rare exceptions,  nor do they preclude one from providing high quality mental health services.


  2. Depends on what your are addicted to.

    If it is drugs be happy.  Most druggies don't eat.

    If it is food, who is to say he doesn't have a thyroid condition.

    If you are in denial as to your addiction you will blame everybody and everything to avoid facing that fact.  Get past the overweight aspect and focus on you because that is why you are seeking counsel.

  3. michele;

    whether or not an addiction counselor is competent is not determined by his/her weight or obesity.If memory serves Scotty Bowman is a multi-stanley cup winning coach but never played hockey competitively above junior level, but his knowledge of the game and coaching skills are awesome.

  4. The counselor you are seeing may not be the one you for you, if you are having doubts about his or her ability to help you. Remember someones ability should not be judged by the exterior appearance. Ones problems does not mean they are not educated in a manner to help someone else. Being fat does not always rely on ones ability to watch what they eat. take in consideration that medication, and heredity may be playing a role here, and the ability to remain physically  fit may not be obtainable for that person. Seek new counsel if you can not come to terms with this person visual appearance,  your over all judgment of them seems very shallow and immature.

  5. you can look for and find a multitude of bs reasons to not get better, or you can stop comparing, start relating & yank yer head outta yer posterior

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