
If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59 at birth but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on

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If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59 at birth but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on




  1. 12:01am

  2. when it starts breathing. when the umbilical cord is cut.

  3. You were born on the day and at the time the doctor put on your birth certificate.  He makes the call and nobody is going to dispute it.  Most likely he is not going to look at the clock until the baby is out and breathing and cleaned up enough to do the Apgar tests.

  4. First off, if born properly, the head is the first to come out.

    Second, you wait until the whole body is out.

    Third, you didn't mention whether the times were AM/PM. Obviously, if you're talking about 11:59 am and coming out at 12:01 pm it would be the same day. If you're talking about 11:59 pm and the baby coming out at 12:01 am, he would be considered born the next day.

  5. Hm, breech birth or not, the baby is "born" when the baby is completely out.

  6. Doesnt a baby's head come out first follow by the legs?

  7. u never gave days and it could be in the afternoon

  8. When Entirely 'Free' of The Mother...!!

  9. remoserjr107 "when entirely free of the the mother !!"

    translation NEVER

  10. Whatever time they put on the birth certificate.

  11. Im an ex nurse, we have to count the time when the WHOLE body of the baby drops out of the mother. Thats the time, not just the leg or the head alone. it must be a whole.

  12. the day his dr, cuts the cord

  13. I think it would be born at 12:00 because half the body would be out? Just a guess lol.

  14. 12.01, thats a h**l of a tall baby! lol

  15. The next day.

  16. Depends on the time of day, if it was lunch time it would be the same day.  If was was 11:59 p.m then it would be the next day.

  17. Poor kid -- born backwards.  The time of birth is determined by the time at which the entire baby is out.

  18. I'm pretty sure its when the whole body of the baby is out! (:

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