
If a baby can grow in an ovary, doesn't that mean it can grow pretty much anywhere?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't even know this was possible...




  1. Well yes, as long as it has a stable place to grow I suppose so.  You will find this interesting (and maybe hopeful):

  2. It probably won't happen again- its a miracle they both lived.  We don't know if the baby is okay.

    Fertilized ovum have attached to the intestines before - it usually results in the intestine rupturing and most times maternal death,  just like tubal pregnancies that aren't terminated.   This one where it grew on the ovary is really freaky.

  3. hmmmm..

    I live in California, therefore I live in the United States.

    If I live in the United States, does it follow that I live in California?

    Your logic is DEEPLY flawed.


  4. It's certainly rare but stranger things have happened. When it comes to the human body and reproductive systems I'm positive we don't know as much as we think we know. Where there is a will, there is a way and life always manages to find a way.

  5. No it can't, the womb and the ovaries provide a particular milieu for the spermatozoa with the right dosage of hormones.

  6. According to my old biology teacher, it's possible for the fertilised egg to attach to any part of the woman's nether regions, but I think he said it wouldn't survive, and that removing it could be nasty. That baby in the article was very fortunate to be born, methinks... but then, who isn't?

    Aha! That's what an ectopic pregnancy is then! (learned a new word)

  7. I guess this kind of kills the "my body, my choice" argument.

  8. Not in a jam jar that's for sure.  I've tried.

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