
If a baby has very bad health problems, because of a faulty choromosome?

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Does only the mother carry the faulty gene? So they are basically responsible for it? (not in the way you think)




  1. If its s*x-linked and a boy then theres a high possibility it came from the mother. If its a girl, it could go either way.

  2. It all depends on what is wrong. Some things can be passed on via the mother, some by the father, some require a faulty gene from both parents, but lots of problems are caused by genetic mutations, which are usually random (although they can be environmental), and no one's fault at all.

  3. Not necessarily.

    The mother is only responsible if the trait the baby exhibits is caused by inheriting a *s*x-linked* chromosome. Conditions like this consist of color blindness, baldness, etc. And the baby must be a boy for it to be completely the mother's fault.

  4. Not at all.  In fact many diseases are caused by the Y (male) chromosome.  But not all health problems are genetic.  Many are environmental (mother doing drugs, alcohol, etc. while pregnant).

  5. Genetic problems are passed on by either or both parents.

  6. A baby gets half its chromosomes from its mother and half from its father. A faulty gene can come from either parent. Some disorders are linked to one gender parent or another, however. It depends on the disorder.

  7. It could be that neither parent carries the faulty gene, other wise they could test you at birth and discover that you would have a child with a chromosomal disorder...

  8. go to the doctor!!

  9. Responsible?

    One's genes are not something one can control.

    Every baby gets half its genes from its mother and half from its father.

    Often, genes that cause disorders are recssive, so if when the gene is expressed, it's because it got it from both parents.

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