
If a bird eats a frog and chokes to death, then who killed who?

by  |  earlier

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  1. does it matter  they are both dead  the bird was the aggressor

  2. the frog killed the bird. he wasnt digested yet

  3. Haha dumb animals

  4. The frog killed the bird.. the birds throat couldn't take the expansion from when the frog CROAKED!!! hahahaha... PLEASE GIVE ME 10 pts!!

  5. The bird killed the frog and committed suicide by choking itself.

  6. The bird killed itself by eating the frog to start with.

  7. The frog killed the bird... haha.. funny..

    great joke.

  8. Hunger & stupidity drove the bird to its death bed. The frog was at rock bottom in its life so depression drove it to commit suicide by staying in open sight of the bird.

  9. Good point darling lol

  10. It was a planned murder-suicide I think¿

  11. Lmao! I'd say it's half and half.  

  12. Sounds like a murder suicide...

    The bird murdered the frog and then killed itself by gorging on it.

  13. they both killed each other.

    justice you could say. or karma.  

  14. sounds like a new AC/DC song

    who killed who

    (who made who)



  15. the bird..cuz bird was dumb enough trying to eat the frog

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