
If a bird is flying stationary position in an airplane, do the laws of momentum apply?

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I'm not sure if that was completely clear, so i'll describe it. pretend the plane is in the air and flying, and there was a bird who was flying at stationary position [just staying there at not moving], would it get squashed because the plane is moving at such a high speed? or does it move with the airplane at stationary position not flying disregarding the speed? and why? [please don't give some fancy equation] and if it's the 2nd choice, how come it's different outside the plane?




  1. do you mean like it is sitting on a wing or gliding next to the plane, or drifting ??

  2. I could be wrong, but I think she means the bird is inside the plane, flying stationary... and I think it would go with the plane, not be slammed to the back wall. Because if you jump while in a plane, you don't go backwards. I don't think. ........ Maybe someone with some knowledge in physics knows? Hee..

  3. if a bird is flying and a plan hits it, the bird will hit the plane with the same force that the plan feels from the bird. so the bird being a million times lighter will most likely squash and stay on the plane or fly off of it considering the mass amount of air going by the plane as it flys

  4. The word "stationary" has no meaning in the absence of a frame of reference. When you say that the bird is stationary, then stationary in what frame? If it is staionary in plane's frame, then it will not get squashed. If it is stationary in Earth's frame, then it will get squashed.

  5. The air inside the aeroplane is moving forward at the same speed as the plane. Otherwise you'd feel a huge wind against your face when you sat in the plane.

    Since the air is moving, the bird can fly in it and will move with the air at the same speed as the plane.

  6. The laws of momentum always apply.

    If the plane is moving at a constant velocity the bird will remain in the same position. If however, the plane accelerates i.e. from stand still to take of speed the bird will move towards the rare of the plane.

    When the plane accelerates you feel yourself getting pushed by the seat. This is how you are accelarated.

    The bird would also have to be accelarated.

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