
If a bird poops on your clothes?

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And it's obviously blueberry, what do you treat it with to get the stain out? (Stop laughing, it isn't funny!)




  1. SHOUT!... or... SPRAY N WASH..

  2. hahahahaha!!!!

    now you have me laughing, when you were just making me cry!!

    but ok ill stop.  :)  

    buwah hahahahahaha!

    but really, hahahah!  you need to (snicker) haha! soak your shirt immediately hahaha! in cold water.. really cold water hahaha!

    with ice!! important that way coold water!!

    put it in the frig next to the chicken (..chuckle..settling down)

    Ma, it was just a good thing he was flying solo today huh?  :)

  3. Shout pre-treat or wash it with Biz.   It isn't funny - that happened to me once but I think it was mulberry and I was wearing a brand new white shirt.

  4. wash it in the washer machine

  5. spray n wash with resolve power works the best for my daughters took out ink i would recommend that...spray it down then wash like normal...

  6. go change immediately!!! do the same thing you would do if a baby poo'd on you...



  8. I have had that happen to me. Just pre treat before washing.

  9. datzz gudluck

  10. Tell her to wipe it off!!

  11. The dangers of the clothes line, LOL--------solution use the dryer or dry indoors for special items.

    Rabbits and birds are after your belonging, it seems.

  12. I would say that birds would not p**p on your clothes

  13. First, soak it in cold water and (wearing gloves) scrub it with hand soap. It's very mild, but I've used it for everything from grass to blood.

    Then, pre-treat the stain with a stain remover like Shout.

    Wash it in a gentle or normal cold wash with your usual detergent. The reason for the cold wash is that hot water can actually set stains. In order to give yourself several chances to get it out, wash with cold water until you're happy with the results.

    If this isn't working, there are specialty products (bleach, bleach for colors, Rit stain remover) that you can try.

    If even that doesn't work, try taking it to the dry cleaners and seeing what they can do.

  14. oxy clean?

    (thats good luck)

  15. wash it

  16. Well, one my grant grandpa tells me it good luck. You need to use oxyclean and soap. Put what ever clothes that the bird p**p on in with water. Where the stain is rub it together. Then dip it in the water with the soap and oxyclean, and rub it till it's gone. It should not take long. That's what I do when my baby girl get p**p on here cloths, and it's all gone with out stain. It look like she did not p**p on it. Hope this helps.

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