
If a blond and redhead have a child, since both are recessive, would the child likely be blond or red haired?

by Guest60813  |  earlier

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Let's say the blond may or may not have a red gene in there somewhere, but let's say they don't. Would blonde win because it's in a sense 'less recessive' or would red win because it's 'darker' and perhaps easier to be expressed? Or would it be a mixture, like strawberry blond?




  1. no in this case since redhead is darker,let us presume that it's the dominant in the first filial generation the child will definitely have a redhead.but in the second filial generation(the child's child),the probability of gettin a blonde would b 1/4 if there were 4 children.if u wanna know more on this,pls c Mendel's exp in pea plants.he took several visible characteristics of pea plants such as tall,short,round,wrinkled,green,yellow.h... then took tall,short plants and cross bred them.the result was that all the plants wree tall.but when he again self pollinated the F1 generation,1/4 of the plants were found 2 b short.

  2. it could be either, even brown or black.

  3. i thiink it would be totally random but usually its a prob strawberry blond

  4. Red isn't actually recessive, it is semi-dominant.

    So if both parents are carrying the gene for it, there is a 25-50% likelihood that the child will have red hair.

    Both my parents carried the gene for red hair, because each of them had a parent/grandparent with red hair. My parents themselves don't have red hair - one is blonde and the other brunette - but because they both have the gene I ended up with red hair rather than blonde or brown.

    Blonde isn't 'less recessive'  - it is just a more common gene. Red hair is more dominant, but needs to be found on both sides of the family somewhere for it to come out.

    I believe the more versions of the gene you have, the stronger the red. My grandma had pale red hair though, and my uncle had shocking red hair. On the other side my great grandmother had red hair, but no one else at all, so you never know. Both my (half) brothers also have red hair - but pale red, whereas mine is copper.

  5. I saw a couple like that but there child came out with brown hair. I love genes very interesting topic.

  6. Well, blond hair (and blue eyes) is the absence of pigment and red hair does have some pigment in it.  I would have to say probably red, because the more pigmented colors are more dominant.

    I think it could easily be blond or strawberry blonde too. I don't think hair follows a straight punnet square style gene expression.

  7. It depends, there are many kinds of recessives.  So, as I said it depends.

  8. hey we had a genetic course in the university but if i explain you you won't understand soorry

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