
If a bowl of fresh strawberries is sprinkled with sugar, a few minutes later the berries will be covered with?

by Guest31730  |  earlier

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If a bowl of fresh strawberries is sprinkled with sugar, a few minutes later the berries will be covered with juice. Why?




  1. This is due to osmosis or the passage of water across a semipermeable

    membrane to equalize the water on both sides.  In other words, as my mother always

    used to say "water seeks its own level".  So if the water inside the

    strawberry and outside the strawberry are equal, there will be no net movement  of

    water.  But if there is more water on one side or the other, the water  will move

    to the side with the least water until there is equal water on both  sides.

    In the case of sugar (or salt), these molecules take up  space.  When sugar

    molecules are present, there is not as much room for  water.  If you sprinkle

    dry sugar on the outside of strawberries, there is  no water on the outside.

    The water inside the strawberry will begin to  leave the cells until there is

    equal water on both sides of the cell  membrane.  So the strawberry juice comes

    out of the strawberry and mixes  with the sugar and makes them "juicy".

    Actually the strawberry should now  be smaller and mushier than before because it

    has lost some of its water.

  2. Sugar draws liquid out of food.

  3. because the juice from the strawberries and the sugar and combing...

  4. The sugar draws the juices out of the berries... although it usually takes more than just a couple of minutes.  That's why you shouldn't sugar berries until just before you eat them....

  5. The strawberries contain water, this melts the sugar to form a kind of watery juice.

  6. A very tasty sweet strawberry syrup.  Normal occurrence.

  7. sugar brings out the juices in the berry

    idk why

    wow im a big help =]

  8. It's not just because the sugar has dissolved?

    That's called macerating btw, when you put sugar of berries and let it sit.

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