
If a brunette dyes her hair blond do you think she should dye her eyebrows too?

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If a brunette dyes her hair blond do you think she should dye her eyebrows too?




  1. Nope Keep Them As They Are :) x

  2. most likley no unless its totally off.

    a lot of people look good with light hair and darker bangs

  3. Of course you should! then you can fool all the people all the time. The Process is BLEACHING not dying. You should make a wonderful Blond!

  4. If a brunette dyed her hair blond and then dyed her eyebrows to match so she would have to use an eyebrow pencil, then she truly is a blond.

  5. no i think it looks better with natural eyebrows... if they look very different than the hair then plucking them quite thin makes them look lighter.

  6. i think you should either leave them or dye them brown

    DONT dye them blonde ! because it will look like you have no eyebrows

    ive done that mistake before :S

    :D x

  7. yes

  8. dont dye your eyebrows, ur going to look soooo washed out especially if your not tan. besides miss nightmare is right if you do and you mess up you could get it in your eyes and go blind. if you want to lighten them then go to a pro and she will lighten them to a light brown but thts as far as you should go.

  9. NO! its soooo dangerous. omg. you could go blind if you were to mess up and it got in your eye.

    keep your eyebrows dark, i do.

    -Miss Nightmare

  10. I think if they are very dark it is a good idea to lighten them a couple of shades.  Obviously not really light or that would look ridiculous.  I darken my eyebrows with a light brown permanent dye when I dye my hair the same colour.  I use a very fine artist's paintbrush and just paint it on carefully.  It doesn't drip or rundown my face so no danger to your eyes.  I've seen my hairdresser doing eyebrows of clients in the salon and that would really be the best idea.  Bleaching is something best left to the experts.

  11. No! I think it would look very odd...

  12. That depends on how dark and/or how full her eyebrows are.  I am a brunette and I have very light (almost invisible) eyebrows - and they are thin.  I may bleach or lighten them if they were dark and heavy - or I might just thin them out.  I have seen MANY natural blondes that have very dark eyebrows and I know some natural blondes that use eyebrow pencils and waxes to make their eyebrows show up.  I guess it comes down to what the person likes and what looks the best.

  13. No, but if they're really dark, you can probably have them lightened somehow at a beauty salon or where you got your hair bleached.

  14. NO.  The eye area is very delicate and I don't think she wants to end up without eyebrows in the next couple of years.  Dark eyebrows are best and a pair of well groomed eyebrows will bring out any womans unique beauty, which we all have.  

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