
If a bullet had infinite velocity?

by  |  earlier

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say a bullet exits the gun and travels however fast bullets travel.

if it could maintain that exact velocity infinitly and with nothing to get in its way could it travel around the earth forever since the earth is curved and eventually the ground would drop and let the bullet fly forever




  1. the bullet would keep moving and wud eventually go into outer space where it might collide with a meteor and due to its infinite velocity might result in  a large explosion(only if it could maintain that exact velocity infinitly )

  2. The bullet flies because of the energy in it. The bullet would soon lose energy and would soon fall to the ground. However if it had an infinite source of energy, than it probably could fly around the Earth infinitely.

  3. If a bullet can remain in constant velocity forever, it will remain in constant speed and direction..

    Thus, it will fly off the Earth in a straight line and keep on traveling infinitely through vacuum.

    Sorry for wrong answer just now.

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