
If a car ran into me from behind?

by  |  earlier

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last week, this van was literally on my tail, so i sped up. the speed limit on this road was like 35 or 45, cant remember..but im pushing 60. bc they wont get off my tail. to make it more bizzare, its at night! no one is around! he couldve went to the other lane. but i kept speeding up, changing lanes to see what he would do, didnt matter what i did, he was RIGHT there. i was getting scared. if i sped up, he sped up. and i couldnt exactly slow down bc i was too scared to, bc he was that close. if i changed lanes, he changed lanes.

this lasted for awhile until he turned off. but i was thinking...if i were to slam on my breaks (yes i know, i would have gotten hurt) but if i were to slam on my breaks, whose fault would it be? and im talking about slamming my breaks on purpose. see, im thinking, he would have to pay for my medical bills and my car damage. bc i see it would be his fault. would it be his fault?




  1. No matter what anyone else said, the accident is the rear vehicle's fault.  It's his responsibility to maintain a safe following distance and safely operate his vehicle.

    Suppose an animal runs in front of your car?  You slam on the brakes.  You see a road hazard (pothole, broken glass...)?  You slam on the brakes.  You maintain safe operation of your vehicle.  So he needs to as well.  

    It's his fault if he hits you, no question about it...

  2. In a situation such as the one you described, the best course of action is to drive to the nearest police station, or if there is not one availalbe, to the nearest well-lighted, populated place.

    Had you slammed on the brakes the accident would have been caused by you, although the driver of the van was behaving in an immature and unsafe way.    One wonders whether the injuries you may have sustained would be worth the "revenge" you got by causing the accident.

  3. It would have been his fault, but chances are he was up to no good and you might have been car jacked or something worse.

    Might have to call the police if that happens again or if you have any description of the van.

  4. Speeding about 60 with a car behind and you come into a quick stop, it will be your fault. According to the rules of driving, once you speed up targetting 60, you need to give a flash signal (30meters before) if you want to make a stop or else slow down your speed. aside from that, you will be arrested for overspeeding.

    *if you seem to be in danger situation, call a police or change your route that leads to where people are still roaming around so that if something happens to you, there could be a witness on that situation or else ask help from them.

  5. You would most likely get in trouble for facilitating a traffic accident, now if you had a valid reason for slamming on your brakes you would be okay, well if you were obeying all other traffic laws at the time since you were speeding im not so sure.

  6. Usually fault lies with the tailgater but if you hit the breaks intentionally you could be held partially at fault.  I've been in the situation where you were before and the best thing to do is gradually slow down to the speed limit or a bit below.  That forces them pass or if they do hit you, they are 100% at fault.  

    EDIT - I agree that calling the police on the cell phone in an extreme case such as this is a good idea.

  7. you were doing 2x the speed limit int he first place, anything you do is your fault in this scenario.

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