
If a car switches off, does it mean there's something wrong with it?

by Guest64877  |  earlier

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When I switch on the car's ignition, sometimes it switches off. Is this relatively normal, or is it a sign of imminent trouble?




  1. If it's an older car try pumping the gas petal a couple of times b4 starting.  Or if it's on a hill, try parking somewhere flat.  If it's newer and u are certain u are switching it completely on then it suddenly turns off, take back to the dealer

  2.   that's not normal, get a service place to check it.

  3. there,s something wrong. probably the ignition switch is bad.

  4. trouble

  5. Possible electrical fault.

  6. there is a problem but its not too bad,my brother car always switch off when he is swicth it on,he heats it and the problem solved,but i never saw his car switched off in the road.

  7. Go get a mechanic and give it a check-up

  8. Not normal. Get it checked out

  9. yes  abnormal. check it out with   the workshop guys..

    if you had given  the conditions(like it happens only in the mornings) then we can  get some clues..  its a  battery on the death row, or your wrong habits(taking off in a higher gear etc.. but customers(they are god!!)  dont like to be  told these things.. so take it to  a workshop, spend some bucks,  and become enligthened!!

  10. hmm, without knowing the type of car you have or what else is going on i would have to say that it sounds problematic. newer cars have a bunch of sensors that will shut the car off if there is a problem but it sounds like you may have a wiring issue or something else going on. what other kind of symtoms have been going on? no power, hard to start, etc.

  11. That is not normal.  I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "switches off".  Does the key physically return to the off position?  Is the engine dying?  Does it sometimes shut off at other times, like when you're stopped at a stop light?  What year and model is it?

    Sounds like it's either fuel or electrically related.  My money is on a fuel pump, but it's hard to tell with the information provided.

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