
If a cat always lands on it's feet, why don't we build airplanes with cat like reflexes?

by  |  earlier

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Like, not the whole flight but when you're going to go in for a landing, it will grow ears, and have amazing cat like reflexes, and will land on feet which will shoot out of the wings.

Wow, I can't believe I actually asked this, can you?




  1. because the hair causes too much drag  

  2. lol well what the heck.  maybe they will use technology to mimic animals.  maybe not such a silly question :)

  3. Because thats just so stupid and impossible .

    Jesus Christ,you'd have to be a freakin' idiot to think that'd work .

    Stupid freakin' kids on Y!A and they're dumb questions .

    Agh .

  4. Air craft do not have feet. They travel a lot faster than cats. Also they are a lot heavier. Air craft have no brains only computers  and humans at the control, the chain of command is to long

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