
If a child bit or spit???

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Would you wash her mouth out with soap (safe soap not dangerous soap) spank her or put tobasco sauce or vinegar in her mouth. She is old enough to know better.




  1. I use pickle juice.... but yes.. I have used soap in the past. :)

  2. I bite people on occasion. I wouldn't want my mouth washed out with soap. -_-

  3. no way all kids go through a stage of biting or spitting my nearly 2 year old is going through it right now and just telling her in a firm voice no shes stops shes hardly done it since but i wouldnt hurt her for it  

  4. None of the above.

    Don't limit your options to these 3 things.

    If she is truly old enough to know better she is also old enough for other consequences.

  5. I personally used tabasco sauce when my kids bit, spit, or used 'grown-up words'. Of course the 1st time they did it, I just told them NO in a loud, firm voice, and explained how/why that behavior may hurt someone. After that, any time they goofed up, they got a couple drops of hot sauce.

  6. Try spanking first. Soap is better used with older kids for dirty words.

  7. i use a harsh no.  If i am holding him i put him down and  do not pick him up until he is done with the biting and or tantrum ( this is when he tend to bite).  

    I do not put anything in his mouth or spank him.  If the behavior continues then he goes into time out .  he is 21 months and gets a 4 min. time out.  

  8. When I was little, I got soap, spanked, AND pickle juice.

    I wouldn't advise to use Tabasco, since it could scold her mouth.

    So, I suggest to use Cod Liver is TERRIBLE, and it will teach her a lesson.

    (I just spank my little cousin when he spits)


    You know, this is bull-c**p....all of the liberal's are getting thumb's up because they're p***y-footing with their kids.

    You know, in the bible, it says "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child" so, what word is better than that of god? (with all due respect if you call god by another name)

    ***EDIT NO. 2****

    You know what....if you ONLY give your child ""verbal warnings"" for spitting, he/she is going to get used to the easy punishment. And ya know what? They're gonna get away with it EVERY TIME. I'm only 14, and when I was younger, my parents SPANKED me for doing stuff like that. Because, they knew that if they spanked me, I'd learn my lesson to not spit again. And guess what?? I never spit at them again! Yeah....AMAZING, HUH?

    All of these "softies" giving their kids "time-outs" (which are appropriate in some situations) for doing something like SPITTING, or BITING, are going to raise little brat-childs, because they're gonna get away with everything they do, resulting in a "time out" our "verbal confrontation". Yeah...i know they're only 4 and 5 years old or whatever,  but what about when they're in their teens? And they start with the drugs? and alcohol? and other "experimenting"...are you gonna give them a verbal warning then? (because, bad habits as a kid escelade into worse habits in adolescent years) So yeah....go ahead....put shame on my conservative mind....but all of you parents out there that are just dealing lightly with their children's innapropriate behavior, are just gonna s***w-it-up for themselves, AND their children.

    thanks for reading.

    god bless

    btw...i suggest only verbal warnings to INFANTS. If they are 2 1/2 years or above, use likewise punishment to fit the wrong-doing

    Hey...and joybeth76 has the right idea, thats EXACTLY what my parents did.

  9. I would use soap.

  10. no. no. and no. I would not do any of the above. That is cruel! I would take away her toys and her privileges. Onces my daughter did something similar and I threw 1/2 of her Christmas toys away. That was in December... this is now August and she is still being really sweet and did not try it again.

  11. Yes I would wash her mouth out with soap. Don't listen to all those liberals on here. A well disciplined child will be more successful than a not well disciplined child.

  12. None of the above. I would give her a firm talking to, and warn her that if she does it again in future she will lose a privalege (example- no dessert for a week, or take away all her toys for a week.) And I definitely would stick to my word. You don't need to be abusive to get a lesson across to a need to be firm & consistant.

  13. Tobasco sauce

  14. Theres this sower spray candy that my kids hate, spray*!

  15. We got our butts spanked.We learned real quick no spitting or biting.

  16. For me, I guess talking and explaining to her works, if not, then spanking! :)

    My sis used all the above mentioned on her kids, especially the one with tobasco. :) Now my nieces and nephew behave real well. Of course, there's a limit and the kid/s will know the consequences behind all of this!

    I remember that my niece was really small when she spit out all the porridge and my sis took the spit-ed porridge and clean it on my niece's face. After that incident, she doesnt spit out any food given from us!

  17. a spank and then in the conor for old he/she is

  18. Many kids bite out of frustration.

    I know that when my kids got angry, this is when they bit each other.

    What worked for us was high chair time outs and "toy jail".  The first time they bit, we would say NO biting and into a high chair time out for 3 minutes by themselves.  If they bit again, we put their favorite toy in "toy jail" until the next morning and they got another high chair time out.

    You gotta figure what motivates your child and take that away from them when they bite as punishment.

  19. Soap!

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