
If a child gets his last name changed does the father still pay child support??

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and what about parenting time? Does he still have a right to it?




  1. Yes, of course the father still has to pay child support.  Unless the child's last name was changed due to being adopted by someone else, which would effectively mean that the father has no rights anymore.

    Yes, he is entitled parenting time as well.

  2. Of course... it's still his DNA.  

  3. yes its still his kid

  4. Yes.. my stepmom changed my step brother and sisters names and their dad still pays.. Only when there adopted is when they dont have to anymore

  5. if a child wishes to change his  or her last name,  the father still will have to pay child support, especially if he is the biological father. it makes no difference what the last name is.  further more he still has rights to the child as long as he is the biological father.

    he also has the right to any parenting time.

  6. i guess so. he's still the kids dad!

  7. First of all you will not be able to change the childs last name without the permission of the biological father. Sounds like the childs father is seeing the child and has parenting time established via a court order.

    Second it sounds like you are bitter with the father and looking to keep the child from his father and this is just down right wrong. If the father is paying child support i'm sure you arent willing to give that up are you. You want the money, but not the sharing experience and futher more paying child support or (Not) does not give you the right to allow him to see or deny him to see the child based on whether or not he pays. No judge will disagree with my statement I will assure you. This isnt rent a kid or pay as you go. It's his or her biological parent and All children have an equal unbiased Right to both parents as long as No abuse is taking place. If abuse is present we have laws to correct that too. (don't go make up c**p)

    Keep in mind that there are several levels of abuse and one of the most damaging is two adults trying to keep a child from one another( see parental alienation) Sounds to me You have a problem(personally) against the father and are trying to play pick-A-parent. Children didn'tget to Choose who there parents are. Adults made that choice for them. If he was good enough to be intimate with then he should be good enough to be a part of the childs life. Sounds like you need to be the Non custodial parent! Your selffish and only are concerned for the money and control trying to hurt the father for what ever he did or dint do to you. Your child will grow to hate you. I know...I've lived it!


  8. Yea. My son has my last name and his dad still pays. The only way he would get out of it is if he was to prove that the kid is not his. Until then, he has to pay.

  9. that depends the name change because you got married and your new husband adopted the child? in that case the childs birth father signs over rights to the child in order for the child to be adopted by your new husband. in that case your new husband has taken over that childs welfare and the birth father is no longer financially responsible for the child.  

  10. I know someone who got there named changed after a divorce. The father has to pay support no matter what! Hope i helped good luck

  11. Depends on why.....

    If your child is changing his last name because of a new marriage of yours, Dad has to give his permission and then you have to agree on money issues.

    Changing last name because your new husband is adopting him, then Dad still needs to give permission and then he gives up all monetary support.

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