
If a child gets raped would he/she become a rapist themselves when they get older?

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If a child gets raped would he/she become a rapist themselves when they get older?




  1. No, not as a rule.

    And spanked kids don't become violent.

    And kids who have their toys taken away do not become thieves.

  2. If they don't get the help they need then there is always that possibility.

  3. i would think that it is the opposite, they know how horrible it is.  

  4. Usually they do, yes.

  5. Not all of them.

    I doubt they will. I wouldn't.

    Most people I know wouldn't.

  6. No!

  7. Some turn to substance abuse and have issues for then on out.

    Some become molesters themselves.

    Some live otherwise normal lives.

    You would be surprised in how many kids have been molested when they were young.Only a few percentage do something like that to others while most become advocates against it.

  8. Not all the time...maybe some do, but I would think the majority would not.  

  9. Not necessarily. I would say the chances could become higher if they don't get some kind of counseling or help after such a horrible event. But more likely than becoming a rapist, they might just be a little messed up in the head later on in life.  

  10. Not at all.

    The child feels the pain and agony and knows the hard time it's mental and physical life have had and would SURELY not want to cause other children or humans (in this case) the same hurt and ruin their life.

    Since the child has known what it feels like so probably no.

  11. Usually, no. But I can't speak for everyone.

  12. What !?

    No ,

    of course not !

    They very well could become one ...

    but if someone is raped their is no guaranty that they are going to become a rapist or not .  

  13. No.  Unless they get some counseling early on, they often develop an aversion to s*x altogether, depending on the circumstances (not all "rape" necessarily involves violence or trauma), because of the association in their minds with s*x and what happened to them.

  14. not necessarily.  if i got shot does it mean i will, in turn, shoot someone else? no.

    statistically however, in cases of child abuse, there is a greater chance the abused will also be abuser.  i don't know the reason.

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