
If a child is adopted?

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what names are on the childs brith certificate?




  1. heather is right on the ball.  when a child is born a certificate is issued with bioparents info on it. after the adoption is finalized it is 'amended' and a new one is issued with adoptive family on it.

    when i found my biomother the woman at the courthouse told me the 'case number' at the top of the one i had matched the one my biofamily signed. i dont know if this is true everywhere, but it is in michigan.

  2. depends on the state.  if your kid came from ny. it is a fake bc and it will say whatever you pay money for it to say.

  3. no.  They issue a new birth certificate and the old one is sealed.  The child can request that information once they turn 18...depending on the state you live in and what services are available.

    The adoptive parents are listed on the birth certificate after the adoption is approved.

  4. With adoption, there are two birth certificates.  One, if an infant is placed for adoption, has whatever names the birth mother put on the paperwork for the birth certificate  while she was in the hospital.  Including the father, the baby's name, etc.  then after the adoption has been finalized, the names of the adoptive parents are listed on the second birth certificate as parents, and the "new" name the child has is out for the child.  That first b.c. is usually sealed and it often takes a court order to open it up.  The second b.c. is the one the child will have the rest of the life.  It looks virtually like any other b.c.

  5. As an OHIO adoptee, I can tell you that the birth certificate I have says my adoptive parents' on it.  But that's my amended certificate.  My original certificate still exists, with my first mother's name on it.  The state, however, has sealed it away.  A judge can order it unsealed.  But at present I merely have my amended certificate.  The original still exists in the files.  Waiting for me to pry it out of their hands.

  6. In Ohio, the Probate Court sends an entry and order to vital stats.  That entry and order gives them the new information regarding the parents of the child (adopting parents).  The child(rens) birth certificates are changed to put down the adopting parents names in as the parents of the child.  The biological parents names are completely and forever removed from the birth certificate.

  7. Heather H's description is correct.  The birth certificate at birth has the birthparents' names on it.  When a child's adoption is finalized (which takes at least 6 months,) the original is usually sealed and replaced by an amended certificate that has the adoptive parents' names on it.  

    In 44 states, adopted citizens can only access their original birth certificates by meeting certain requirements.  In 6 states, they can access them in the same manner as non-adopted persons.

    Of interest, however, is that in some states like Ohio and California, it is up to the adoptive parents or the adoptee (if old enough to state a desire) as to whether the original is sealed and an amended one issued.  In such states the original birth certificate (the one with the birthparents' names) may remain the adopted person's only legal birth certificate.


    Oh Mommy's response is somewhat deceiving.  The birthparents' names are not "completely and forever removed" from the birth certificate.  They remain on the original birth certificate.  The adoptive parents' name are on the amended birth certificate.  These are two separate documents.  Also, as I mentioned, Ohio is one of the states where the adoptive parents or adoptee can request that the original birth certificate remain unsealed and unaltered, with no issuance of an amended certificate.

  8. A child's original birth certificate should contain the names of his/her biological parents.  Where it gets complicated is that when a child is adopted and the adoption is finalized, the child is issued a new birth certificate with their new name and the names of the adoptive parents.  

    I had no idea this even existed until we started the adoption process.  I never would have thought that a new birth certificate would be issued and was quite surprised to hear that we would be receiving a new one listing us as his parents.  I have to admit that as an adoptive parent, it made me feel kind of "creepy" since it is called a "birth" certificate.

  9. The adopted Parents

  10. In my son's case on his son's birth certificate it say infant Myers (mother's last name) He fought to get his son back and now has visitation for right now(he is appealing the case)

       He asked the judge to change the name to his last name and she wouldn't grant him so my grandson is infant Myers sad huh

       So I guess what ever the mother wants

  11. When I was adopted my birth certificate was amended and my adopted parents last name was on there.

  12. When a child is adopted, their original birth certificate is sealed and the new birth certificate will have their adopted name and the names of their adoptive parents.

  13. usually the name u r born with if your bilogical parents filled out any sort of papers.  I was adopted and there was one for me with my birth name as my mom named me, and then when i was adopted it was switched to my adopted name.

    I wasn't adopted right out of the hospital either, i was in foster care for 11 months.

  14. there birth name that parents gave them u know the birth parents

  15. Before the adoption, the birth parents names are on there.  After the adoption is complete, you get a birth certificate that lists YOU as the biological parent, the same as if you had given birth.

    Also, the birth parents may have given the child a different name, and that would be on the original birth certificate.  The new birth certificate issued with your name would also have the name you chose for the child.

  16. I was adopted as an infant.

    I had a birth certificate.  It has my name an my mothers name and was a true record of the facts of my birth.

    When the adoption was finalized a year later that birth certificate was sealed away and became a state secret.  I can't see it!

    They then issued a new birth certificate with false information and call it an 'amended' birth certificate, which does not record the true and factual record of my birth.  It is, in effect, a forgery because it states that my adoptive parents gave birth to me

    Many adoptees are without passports because the very document that the State forged is unacceptable to them when applying for a passport whilst the one that is acceptable is inaccessible - try working that one out LOL

    Sealed records are state sanctioned identity theft

  17. Here in my state the child is issued a birth certificate with the name given by birth parents. That one gets sealed, and replaced with one showing the name given by the adoptive parents. When we placed our son for adoption, my husband and I meant to give him the same name his adoptive parents were planning to use. (They allowed us some input in choosing the name, but made the final decision.) However, they ended up deciding to give him an additional middle name, so the two certificates are not exactly the same. We did sign the paperwork authorizing the records to be unsealed when he turns 21. (Here it's a 2-way seal - both parties have to agree to open the records.)

  18. No the birthparents names are NOT on the BC. That would be too easy.

  19. It depends on if your adopted right away (at birth) and also what arrangements were made at the signing of your papers.....

  20. Usually the baby has two birth certificates, the original one with the name of the Mother who gave birth to the baby, and the father if known and the name that the mother gave the baby

    Then there is another birth certificate with the Adopters names and the new babys name that the adopters gave the baby..And usually dependant on the country ie the UK has Adopted written on it , and then you can just have a birth certificate to show for legal things if you dont want to show your one with the word Adopted on it

  21. it either can be the names you changed it to or the ones you left it at!
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