
If a child is born of rape, what is the role of the rapist father?

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If a child is conceived as a result of a rape and the woman raises the child, should the rapist be responsible for child support and should he have parental rights?




  1. He should play no role whatsoever.

  2. No. Rapists fathers are hardly ever caught. If they are they stay in prison for many years. They probably won't pay child support. But usually after a woman is raped she needs to get a rape kit and done and she usually gets the Plan B drug right after to prevent conception.  

  3. well seeing as he should be put in jail till the end of time, then he should play no role.

  4. No. If she knows who raped her that man should be in jail.

    And if not he should have no right t obe around her or her child.

  5. If it was a rape then it was a crime.

    So you think the guy who will go to jail if caught is going to show up and hand some money to a women he raped???


  6. Child support, maybe. Parental rights, h**l no. He should be locked away somewhere.

  7. In my opinion the role of a rapist's father is to be drowned in gasloine and lit on fire.and then beat his dead body.No woman,man or child should have to deal with such horrible trauma.I would rather day then get raped.

  8. The fetus should be aborted if that is the choice of the women, and the rapist should be responsible for paying for it. Otherwise the rapist should be locked away in prison and forced to pay child support if the child whether the child is raised by the Mother or put up for adoption.

  9. I think he should take his lethal injection like a man-

    -or his rope like the coward he really is.

  10. I guess to have s*x with the ****** again.  

  11. if hes in jail theres nothing to get...if not he can be taken to court for support....or adopt the child out....i dont think any judge will give him rights..

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