
If a child runs out in the road and you?

by  |  earlier

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have to do an emergency stop, you just miss the child by inches, how do you expect the parents to behave?




  1. hit the next child...   bumper won t break...

  2. Happy, sad, pissed off and just about everything else and yes they will blame you just like most people do that dont watch their children.......

  3. immature, they should be relieved you were alert and there kid was only scared in stead of injured or worse... dead

  4. personily, i'd sue their a*s and kick the parents in the face

  5. I would say the parents are irresponsible for two reasons, letting their child run in the road and kicking off the way they did, also you can them the parents niked for criminal damage against your car.

  6. sue there take em to judge judy

  7. i would say this type of behaviour is totally unacceptable.they should be in control of their child and make sure it doesnt play by roads or in the took control of the situation to avoid this child and they should be thanking u and telling the child off . not the other way round.

  8. my god, if my child ran into the road and it wasnt the drivers fault i would be the one apologising for my child running out and for my irresponsible behaviour for not watching them.

  9. As a parent, I would be so terrified that my child almost got hit, that I would react in a rather "protective" way, but I wouldn't become that enraged as to damage someone's car. I would of course quickly analyse what happened and whether that driver was operating his/her vehicle in a careless manner and base my reaction on that information-gathering process.

    I know that one time a baby buggy came flying out in front of my car as I drove down a residential street, and I was very upset that I almost killed someone's child.

    When I stopped, and pushed the buggy back up the driveway, I noticed that there was in fact a doll in that buggy, and that a 3 yr old had lost control of that baby buggy.

    I went to the house and the mother stared at me as I told her to be careful with such things........she seemed to think I was "overreacting".........hmmmmmm

    It was after all, a full sized baby it could have been an infant........

    Human emotional reactions are sometimes difficult to control, but violence and damage to personal property or doing bodily harm is not an acceptable response.

  10. Well to tell you the truth the parents behavior is not acceptable...maybe they got scare but thats not reason for them to call you names and break a window from your car....I used to think that every driver was responsible for the way they drive...but now that I drive there's been so many times that it is out of your control to watch every single thing on the road...specially when kids are playing outside....First of all I don't think a parent should let a child play outside on the street it's dangerous and that's why there are many accidents....I bet you got scare to death. I have a child that is 3 years old and believe me sometimes he just starts running every where and I have no control on grabbing him...but I do call his attention and I play close attention that he always plays in my house yard not on the street.....Did you actually get off your car?

  11. its just typical of these times where people blame eveyone and everything apart from themselves when things go wrong

  12. You should call the police about the parents pulling the mirror off the car and kicking it. They might do further damage. They have no right to even touch your car.

    Do they know it was an accident?

  13. The parents should be apologetic for not controlling there child.

    As THEY damaged your car, THEY are responsible for paying the garage bill when it's fixed.

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