
If a comet were going to hit the earth in 1 Janruary 2010?

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And it was going to exterminate all life on earth. What would you do different if you knew this was going to happen?




  1. hm, i pretty much live my life to the fullest each day, so i would then continue to do so.

    (if, by any chance, you're referring to how the Mayan people predicted the end of the world would end in 2010, that's not what they meant. they just meant that 2010 would be the end of the Mayan Calendar for that first cycle. a new cycle would start over again).

  2. i treat everyday as if it is the last day on earth

  3. i would steal a shuttle and do the whole noah thing

  4. I'm pretty sure every1 would change for the better  

  5. I would ask for a refund on my Council tax as I am in the M25 boundary for the £20 per year olympics tax!

    oh, and I would not be worrying about my waistline!

  6. Make love to my wife CONSTANTLY!

  7. I would live each day as though it were my last.  I would slow down.  I would enjoy the sunshine and the rain.  I would spend what moments I could with my loved ones.  And I would try to be a better person each and every day.

    So, basically, I would live my life no different from normal.

  8. be a little more dedicated to my personal beliefs, and try to find the higher omnipotetent powers of the lord

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