
If a common person wins the lottery, should the money be taken away from them?

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Peasants don't have a clue how to spend money you see, so if one of them won £5 million, they'd end up spending it on sports clothes, burgers and violence. Should perhaps 98% of their winnings be taken away, and distributed amongst more socially superior people?




  1. Sounds like sour grapes to me, Sir Wantsalot.  Actually, Jesus said it should be the other way around.  (The rich should sell everything they own and give the money to the poor.)  Too bad, so sad.

  2. Sir, I think that if a peasant chooses numbers these numbers should be withdrawn from the machine before they are drawn!

  3. Not they should be given classes in etiquette old bean, what, what ...

  4. Not at all, it could be that the money may inable them to send their child to college, pay for an operation, buy a better home in a better neighborhood or something of the sorts. Not all individuals who are poor because they are poor money managers, some individuals run into a bit of bad luck such as poor health, death of a spouse..that type of thing.

  5. First of all the money should be taken away from them.

    But I think a better solution would be to stop them playing the lottery altogether.

    A word of advice if your servants are playing the lottery you are paying them far too much.(Have you thought about that)

  6. Absolutely and it should all be in coins, then we can just tie it around your neck for you, just before we throw you in the Thames

  7. Tosser

  8. No. They deserve it, the high and mighty and up-themselves people don't need anymore money. Normal people give to charity, the snobs keep it to themselves and buy tea-cosys.

  9. Funny man!!!!!

  10. Most of them can't read and probably wouldn't even know they had won.

  11. and you of course are one of the "socially superior people."

    So tell us, other then with with a sniff and "Well, because," How are you superior and how did you get that way?

  12. Oh dear my friend,you seem to do a rather good job in attracting the Yanks who dont know the meaning of the word humour...then again you've also probably attracted a few from the social culture section...such bores!!!!

    Anyway dear friend,I stand behind you on this,it would be money totally wasted,especially when you think it could be donated to our wonderful government who would have so many better uses for it such as improving the health service...public could even be used for building the extra millions of homes we're gonna need for putting up all these unwanted imports we have flooding the country....hope that answers your q dear friend.

  13. You can tell the types that use this website, they are the exact people you talk of. I completely agree with you, these numskulls cannot even detect sarcasm so the money should be given to the more deserving and educated rich.

    Their purchasing of violence would in particular be a crime against humanity, so next time one of them win come to my manor house and ill crack open a bottle of my vintage champagne.


  14. You sad git-we've learnt the value of money!

  15. A profound YES.  Common folks need the comfort of living in their common lives.  A $13 million ( I think that's the exchange rate) influx would ruin their lives.  They would be bombarded with letters and visits from every degree of relative and financial adviser.   They  will feel their usual victimization resentment when the govt. takes half of their winnings.  

    They are likely to move into upper-class neighborhoods thereby lowering property values.  They might buy their way into golf clubs that would not ordinarily accept them based on the standard membership fee.  Ultimately, they will spend their money so frivolously that it will all be gone in a couple of years anyway sending them back to a life less worth living than the one they (ungratefully) led before.

    Foreclosure signs will appear on homes sending negative vibes to all passers-by and prospective reputable new buyers about your neighborhood in general.  Of course, this wouldn't happen at your estate but any premises you own near town or for vacation purposes are likely victims.

    I think they should keep enough of their winnings to make all needed repairs to their current dwelling. If they don't own a dwelling they should not be allowed to spend more than $250,000 to buy one in fair condition.  They should be allowed to buy one new car for $25,000.  If they need 2 cars, they can trade in their 2 old cars as a down payment for a second car.  

    The balance of their winnings should be placed with a wealthy individual in trust for the commoners' children or grandchildren, for their education and a proper upbringing.  The trustee, of course, would be allowed a respectable but reasonable compensation for such services rendered.  

    As a result, the status quo would be maintained, the economy would not suffer and the upper-classes would continue to prosper and remain aloof while acquiring sorely needed goodwill from the mediocre.

  16. Hahaha,well,it's a good suggestion (i.e Michael Carroll!)

    But they would have legally played and paid for their ticket,so they're entitled to their winnings i'm afraid!

  17. oh i suppose u think your socially superior?? lmfao!!

    get a life mate and get over your self!!!

    if i win, i wont be giving u nothing......u freak!

  18. Of course, thier numbers should not even be eligible to be drawn.  I sometimes think the lower social strata need a d**n good war to thin out their numbers again.


  19. what a stupid question, the answer is in the name of the game, the lottery, you've gotta be in it to win it and if somebody who you consider to be in a lower class wins then tough luck, because it's a lottery.

  20. What do you do for a living then?  If you work, then you are a peasant too.  What do you mean by socially superior people?  Are these the ones that go out and eat lobster, game, and rich meats in fancy restaurants.  (No intelligence there, then)  Go around dressed in real fur trim and speak with a plum (false) stupid accent.  They are not socially superior or acceptable. They are parasitic, obnoxious, morally sub-standard twits.

    The back-bone of any nation consists of hard working people (real people).  Please let me know if YOU ever win the lottery, I would take great delight in making you forfeit 98% of your winnings.  Hope to hear from you soon!!!

  21. I'm somewhat aghast to find that they even have the wherewithal to actually purchase entries into these affairs ! -

  22. h**l no!!!

    Talk about a lawsuit!!!!!

  23. I don't think it should no, they deserve that money mate.

  24. No way man lol but maybe a bit of help with the money! How to spend it wisely and then after that nothing you an do. Up to the person who won.

  25. Prat!!!

  26. common people have brains mayb more than stuck up people

  27. that's such a snobbish

  28. Some of the rich and "privileged" are good for nothing except stupidly squandering their inheritances.  Then they are left with big mansion houses that they can't afford to maintain.  If there was any distribution of wealth, they should even be excluded from the bottom of the list of the poors who belong to the common class.

    The very fact that you ask this question shows that you do not have a useful brain.

  29. You're not quite the toff you purport to be.  If you were, you wouldn't have any knowledge of 'sports clothes' or 'burgers'!  However, you have gotten the response you seem to crave.

    May it bring you all the empty glory you so richly deserve,

    plebeian! (that's Latin for peasant!) lol :)

  30. Well, peasants winning lotteries beats antisocial moneybags having acquired their wealth through quite illegal winnigs and tax evasion...

  31. Why would you care.Rich people will get it all back anyways.Don't you all own everything they could spend it on?Just a matter of time right?Maybe you should give me money because I'm smarter than you.Sounds fair to me.

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