
If a cop comes to your door and you are having a party do you have to let him in?

by Guest65397  |  earlier

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is there some right against that? I was told that you didnt, and I have had the mindset where you listen to what the officer says...or bad tings happen..any clues?




  1. yea u dont hav to unless he has a warrant

    dont open the door

    they will leave after some time

  2. They can't come in without a warrant (or if they have probable cause to believe a crime is being committed) unless you invite them.

    But it's usually better to be nice to them.  You don't want to annoy a cop.  They have guns and batons and tasers and don't mind too much who they use them on.

  3. you dont have to, but they will get  a search warrant and come in

  4. they need a warrant or probable cause.  I guess they could some how twist minors drinking into probable cause, but it does seem unconstitutional

  5. If the police officer has suspicions of illegal activity (under-aged drinking, drug use, etc.) he can come in. If it is a noise complaint then simply stand at the door and answer his questions. He can give you a ticket but he most likely won't attempt to come in. Usually a cop will ask "can I come in?" If you say no he will grill you on why and probably give you a ticket.

  6. yes let them in or you will have more trouble and yes bad things will happen to you

  7. Well if a cop comes to your door while you're having a party it is obvious that either somebody has called him to make you and your friends quiet down, or that he is there to investigate something else that may be happening, so yes, you should let him.

  8. Due to the communication deficit, many cases are wrongly interpreted? similarly as per law if he or she Police have the warrant signed from the Judge you are to conceed and permit them? some time the  Police ignore these fundamental rights, and use their muscle power, than the communication could resolve the problems, insted of confrontations?

  9. Barry Cooper, ex-Texas DEA officer turned citizen advisor says to tell them that you do not want them entering your house without a warrant and that you will step aside if they need to knock down the door. His logic is that knocking down a citizen's door ups the accountability level way over what your average patrolman has. Also, simply opening the door can allow the cop to say s/he smelled marijuana, therefore giving probable cause to come in without your permission. I would try to talk to them through the door and agree to turn down music or whatever. I would also require anyone underage who has been drinking to sober up, or sleep over before they go home with a sober driver because they may be watching the house, have taken note of cars and just waiting to pull people over when they leave.

    Flexyourrights , another citizen rights group, says you should hide any contraband you may have in plain view (would give probable cause for a search), then go outside while shutting the door behind you. Do not allow any officer inside based on their claim of "routine inspections". Ask for a warrant. But, like Cooper points out, simply opening the door could give them probable cause to search if they claim, truthfully or not, to smell marijuana.  

  10. Here's a clue.  If the officer has probable cause to believe that there is a crime (like underage drinking) occurring in the house, they can come in to investigate that.  Bad things will happen if you interfere with that.

  11. yes totally let him in otherwise they mite think ur hiding somthing when your not!

    totally do!

  12. It depends on the laws that are in force where you live.

    Policemen rarely have to enter the house - they usually have a word with your on your doorstep if there is a disturbance going on that has been reported to them. They will ask you to turn the music down, or get cars off other people's lawns, or something else of that nature.

    If you agree to what they ask, they will go away happy and you will still be on your neighbours' good side.

    Have fun.

  13. You don't *have* to open the door to an officer without a warrant, but it'll get nasty if you don't.

    9 times out of 10 it's best to comply and get them out of your hair.

  14. Yes, and no. You don't have to let them in. However, if they develop probable cause (many, many ways to achieve this), they may come in anyway. There are legal terms, tactics and precedents all used used to go from reasonable suspicion to probable cause. They include but are not limited to the " In plain view doctrine." and "destruction of evidence." They can enter, on the spot if there is enough evidence facing them. Many jusrisditions have a 24 Magistrate on duty to get  "Telephonic Warrants".

    If you aren't doing anything wrong, why would you not let the officer in. If you are, the best thing to do is to cooperate. No matter what happens, the fine, sentance or punishment is always much much less than if you are uncooperative. The simple rule is, if you make the cops work harder, they will make it worth their time in their reaction. In other words, if I had to go through all trouble of getting a warrant, etc; Somebody's going to jail.

  15. ummm i think you don't have to cause the 4th amendment

    Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791.

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized

  16. well i think they cant come in unless they smell drugs and ask him what is the problem and if he says something about noise disturbance just tell him ull keep it down and dats about it

  17. He or she are not allowed through the doorway unless you Allow them. One thing to remember do NOT go outside to speak with them always stand in the doorway because then they can cause trouble for you.

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