
If a couple gets married at a very young age (16-18) how long do they usually stay married?

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my boyfriend(18) said he wants to marry me(16) and hes getting deployed when he gets back from boot camp and im 85% sure i want to spend my life with him. im just worred about it because im still pretty young and im also worred it wont last very long. what should i do? and how long will the relationship last?




  1. it depends on how mature they are.

    but it's very rare for marriage like that to last a lifetime


  3. Marriage at those ages doesn't often last long. One is still a teen, the other barely an adult...neither have lived life as an adult to learn how differet relationships are, and what they want in mature, adult partner. Few teens that age are ready to run their own household, pay their own bills, support a spouse, and very often one or both starts to wonder what they missed out on by tying themselves down so young, when they didn't take the opportunity to date around as adults and see what else was out there, find out what they liked and disliked, etc.

    How do you know you want to spend your life with someone when you haven't gotten to know other people to see how you feel about them? You are still in high school and your taste in men, and what you want out of life is likely to change a lot by your early to mid 20s when you mature and learn who you are as an adult.

    My first husband married at 18 and she was 16 (and pregnant). They lasted a couple of years I think. He was divorced and 23 when I met him.

  4. Your 16 which means your not even out of high school. If you get married chances are you are going to have kids next and you have no college education and if it doesn't work you will be stuck with no good job and kids to feed. Get your education first and if he can't wait then he doesn't love you as much as he says.

  5. If you're "not sure", then you shouldn't even contemplate it. You need to be completely sure.

    I got married at 19 and Im happily married still (I'm 24 now) but I wouldn't recommend it for most people that age. I was mature at 19 and my husband is older than me and more experienced in life so it works out but most 16-18 year olds are NOT ready!!

    I think you'll regret it if you go through with it to be honest.

  6. About 2-3 years until you grow up and realize that he's not what you wanted. It happens every single day. You think he's THE ONE and then after a couple of years, maybe you last until you're about 21-22, you have a baby, and you find out that he's not who you thought he was or who you wanted, you feel stuck because he's in the military, and you don't work, and have a baby to think of.. and then 4-5 yrs from now you'll come onto Yahoo Answers asking us how to leave him if you don't have money.

    Go to college, think of yourself first... then when you're maybe 23, 24, 25, think about finding a husband. :)  

    You still have 2 years of school left. If he can wait until you're 18-19, and you still feel the same, then give things a try. But I guarantee you that his joining the military is going to change him as a person, he will come back and you will have grown up quite a bit as well.

  7. Wait to marry you are so young.  what you really love at 16 will be different  when you turn 18,20,30 etc.  If he really loves you he would not ask you to make that type of decision at this age.  

  8. Honestly it depends on the person. Now I know this is from back in the day, but my mom got married to my dad at 18 and they have been married for like 38 years! A girlfriend of mine (who is older than me) got married at 18( graduated in june,married in August) and she has been married 19 years.

    I think that back in the day, it was more socially acceptable to marry at a young age, vs now. I got married at 22, and people told me that was way too young? Age is of the essence.

    I notice that you put 85%, and to be married that number needs to be 100%, or don't do it. You will spend the rest of your life trying to find or fulfill that 15%.  

    I will tell you that you will not the same person at 25 or  30 that you are now, but the idea is to grow together, and not in opposite directions, but sometimes growing apart is unavoidable.

    In my own personal opinion, if you can't legally wed, you should wait until you are able to do so.

  9. Why cant you just wait if it's real it will happen but not take a risk this big at this young an age don't do it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I think it would depend on their maturity level and how committed they are to each other and their marriage on how long their marriage will last.

  11. 85% is not good that means 15% chance for failure!  

  12. 2-4 yrs

  13. when people get married young they have just as much chance of having a long marriage as anyone else that marries when theyre all depends on if both are dedicated to it..

    but since youre only 85% sure you want to spend the rest of your life with him then i wouldnt marry have to b 100% sure that hes the one u want a future with....

  14. I am 18 myself and married, my husband is 20 and in iraq right now, he wanted to get married after basic too, and we did, we have been together for four years now, and we love eachother very much, i think it depends on how you two are, if you dont feel like its the right thing, then dont do it, also if you feel you cant be loyal to him while hes there, id break it off wayyy before he leaves to iraq, my brother had a friend commit suicide from a bad situation, i notice in the military friends are mainly there for one another, like family, so dont be too afriad to end it if you think you cant last. but it all depends on how you love him, and if your pretty sure you want to go for it.

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