
If a couple has an unplanned pregnancy, woman wants baby, man does not. What does he owe beyond $ support?

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Women can choose to give birth or abort. But the father cannot choose. He can be made a father through an accidental pregnancy, or conversely, if a baby is concieved accidentally, and the mother chooses to abort, he has no say. Does anyone else think this is unfair?




  1. I do not think that a woman should be allowed to abort the baby without written consent from the father. Yes I understand that it is her body and she will have to carry the child for 9 months and go through labor and birth. But the father created the baby too and should have a say in whether or not the child is born. I think also that if a father doesn't want a child, the woman is well aware of this before she gets pregnant or as soon as she finds out she is pregnant then he should be allowed to sign away his parental rights to the child. He should not have to pay child support but he also would never be allowed to be in his child's live. It should work the same way for a womanwhoe is pregnant and doesn't want the baby but the father does. She should carry the baby to term and then sign over all her rights to the father. Of course this presents the problem of whether or not the woman would take good care of a pregnancy that she doesn't want. This is a very grey area and very hard to make a stand on.  

  2.'s not his body now is it?

  3. He has a full obligation no matter what, because his first obligation would have been to prevent this "accident."

    Yes if a mother wants to abort then there is nothing that the father can do about it.

    Very unfair and very sad that there are more and more "mistakes" out there.

  4. no, i dont' think it is unfair.  the carrier gets to choose.  no matter what is decided the woman will be the one who goes through 99 percent of the work.  even when its a planned pregnancy the woman has to do a majority of the work.  

    its only fair if she decides what to do

  5. i'll tell you whats unfair- two people having meaningless s*x and creating a life that cannot choose for itself. THAT is what is UNFAIR

    i think abortion is murder and neither father nor mother should have the right to play god.

  6. I think it is tough for the man, but in the case where he doesn't want the baby and the mother doesn't want to abort, well, he knew what he was doing when he had s*x too, and he wanted that.  And in the other case, it is very sad when a woman chooses to abort her baby and the father really wanted to keep it, but there's no other way it can be set up.  If the father were to have a say legally, then every future dead beat dad that just wants s*x and none of the responsibility would force the mother to have an abortion, and then we would have a whole new problem.  It is hard for the men, but ultimately, it is the woman's body, and she is the one that is going to be giving birth and raising the baby, with out without the father's emotional support and physical presence.

  7. Nope, when the male species is able to carry babies they can make their own choice.  Until then they can choose to have s*x and risk accidental pregnancies or they can choose to abstain and not risk accidental pregnancies, they do have a choice, they just need to exercise it.

  8. It is absolutely not unfair.  He knows where babies come from, and that no form of birth control is foolproof.  He made the decision to have s*x, and now he must face the consequences.  If he is so against having children, he should abstain - period.  

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