
If a couple met online and agreed to marriage?

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if you met online and married so fast, before taking time to 'know' each other.....would a divorce be terrible (assuming one partner was not really committed to the marriage) if one partner was committed to it for security of a teenager and herself in life after 50 years old?




  1. my fiance' and i met online.  we talked on the phone and internet for over a year before we actually met face to face.  you really can get to know someone pretty good that way.  we finally met face to face a little over a year ago, and have been living together the whole time.  we are planning to marry soon, and he got custody of his grandchild and we are planning to adopt the beautiful little boy as soon as we can.  some relationships are meant to be and others are not.  try your best to get to know your partner as well as you can, but after you get married and things change, do what you can to work them out, but if they dont, get out and move on.

  2. Marriage is tricky, I once married someone from the online personals.She was a wonderfull person and wife. We got married after a year of dating and we should have waited to know each other better. I moved on and that have been the best thing I ever done. I would say if its not working move on.  

  3. I met my husband online.  We knew each other 2 years before we actually got married.  We've been married 8 years now.  I feel no matter how long you know and/or date a person, there's going to be things you don't know about them til after you're married.

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