
If a couple was married 15 years ago but never lived together are they still legally married?

by  |  earlier

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I am getting married next year and my fiance was married 15 years ago but never lived with her and did not legally get a divorce.Would they be considered still married or legally divorced?




  1. If they never got divorced then yea their still married.

  2. Your the mistress, the adulteress and other woman. Sorry, but I wish you the best of luck, I really do, You are going to need it and I hope he does the right thing.

  3. yeah still married

  4. Yes. If you buy a house and never live in it, it's still your house. However the grounds for a divorce are easy..

  5. A legally married person will always be called married unless the marriage has been dissolved by the decree of divorce or annulment issued by the competent court of jurisdiction. This person who got married 15years back with another person but never lived with the person with whom he or she married will still be considered married unless there is no information of the person to whom married being alive & who would naturally have heard of it, had that party been alive. Even in such case the question with regard to marital status remain same unless the court of Competent Jurisdiction declare the marriage as dissolved by the decree of divorce or annulment as the case maybe on the basis of no information of the other person being alive or heard about him/her being alive. Another issue in such case is since a second marriage during the lifetime of first spouse is a punishable offence of bigamy, but if this happens the absence of the first spouse being alive or any information with regard to his or her being alive or heard to be alive can be used by the accused spouse/person for the offence of bigamy provided this fact of the first marriage & no information of being alive or heard to be alive existed with the accused person for the offence of bigamy hence this offence cannot be held to be proved to punish the accused person. However the second marriage of this person will always be in doubt as far legal validity is concerned & unless the person had obtained a court's decree of divorce or annulment or death certificate from the Competent Government authority of the first spouse his or her second marriage shall for all legal purposes will remain void.

  6. Oh yes. They are still married. The only way to undo that is to get a divorce!

    Your marriage will be invalid if he doesn't divorce...

    Sorry luv.

  7. If he was married and never divorced then he will need to get a divorce before he gets married again

  8. He's still married, honey!  He needs to get divorced before your wedding. LEGALLY!

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