
If a credit card company is suing for balance unpaid, what are the options? Only recieve social security?

by  |  earlier

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Can not afford to pay the bill. Contacted lawyer, has not called back.




  1. try this company i know of CCRS they do credit service stuff.  They guarantee their work and the first consultation is free so i would just call and see what they suggest.  1.866.952.6015

    sorry to hear about your problem

  2. They will sue you & obtain judgment.  However, they can not take social security from you- so all it does is mess up your credit.

  3. You don't have any should have asked that before you got sued!. You racked up the debt so you're expected to pay. Chances are they'll pick of some of your SSI to make up the loss and withhold any future tax issuements and/or returns.

    If you have no wages to garnish, then they might hold on to some of your assets.

  4. You will get sued!!!! A lawyer is going to want money too, even to work on your case, so you may can call the credit card company and they may make arrangements or settle but that depends on how old it is, how much it is, and how you paid before you let it go. Why would you spend an amount thats sue worthy if you were only on ssi? I think you owe it and should have to pay no matter what, YOU spent it now pay.

  5. If you did not have the money, you should not have spent it!!

  6. I agree with Spiffman, and not the morality police!

    You say your on social security, do you mean you are retired or are you drawing SSI (social security supplemental income)?

    Either way social security benefits are exempt from garnishment (with a few exceptions like, taxes owed, child support or alimony obligation.

    All they can do is try and work out some payment plan agreeable to both parties.  Or wait for it to drop from your credit report.  Most likely the CCC will just take a charge off of the account.

    Hope this answers your question

  7. I see the morality police are out again.

    To answer your question, since your only source of income is S.S.I. they can not garnish that.

    What they can do is take you to court, get a judgment and at that point attach bank accounts and file liens on any property you may own like cars, boats, land and homes.

    If you do own property and they file a lien the only thing that means is if you sell it they will be paid first out of any profits.

    You may want to contact S.S.I. and have your checks mailed to you if you have direct deposit. Once the money is in your account they can attach it

    Sounds to me like you are pretty judgment proof, about the only thing they can do is really mess up your credit.

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