
If a dad hits his son with a belt, is that considered child abuse?

by Guest64857  |  earlier

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just wondering???




  1. i used to get spanked with a belt. no problem in that. as long as hes not gettin the **** hit outta him, like a few spankings is alright.

  2. Well many parents beleive in spanking but I guess it is safe to say if he is not bruised or bleeding, and is not overly terrified then I guess it would be deemed not so severe.

    BUT I beleive any form of hitting a child is abuse. Children can be discplined without being spanked, I don't spank.

  3. YES!!!! and if he's under a certain age - your father can go to jail for it!! why don't you google the laws in your state about child abuse and you will see what they consider it to be in your state. here where i live you go to jail and have to appear in court for just slapping your child. no one should have to hit a child - does the adult like to be hit? NO! so how can anyone justify hitting a child with a belt anywhere!!!

  4. I wouldn't think it would be considered child abuse.  Depends on the reason and where he hit his son at with the belt.  

  5. what did the child do?

    if he hit him for no or trivial reason, then that is wrong.

    if the boy did something bad, then a wack with a belt on the butt is fine. as long as it's on the butt and no where else.

  6. It is a parents obligation to punish a child.  That is the only way the child will learn right from wrong.  It depends what you mean by hits his son with a belt.  Hits him where?  How hard?

    If it is a spanking on the bottom no it is not child abuse.  If he just hits him hard in the face, on the back in the head then it could be concedered child abuse.

    If you spare the rod you spoil the child.  What are you to spank a child with?  You hand is the worse thing you can use because you might hit harder than you think and harm their spine.

    A keen switch to the legs is the best, it stings but will not harm the child.  There are not many keen switches around any more.

    A wooden spoon, it does not give at all so  I do not like that idea.

    If you are not going to hurt the child, then don't even try to spank them.  It does more harm than good because the child will know that they will be able to get away with anything.  Then who becomes the parent?  The child does since no one will punish him.

    Parents have got to stand up to their children and let them know that they are the parents and that the child will obey them.

    Try using different kinds of punishment on yourself before using them on the child.  And see just how hard you should hit the child to do the child some good.

    I have tried the three things I mentioned above on myself and I much preferred the belt, as long as you keep the buckle out of the way and you use it on their bottoms.

    After you punish your child, tell him to think about why he was punished.  After a while, go in and tell him/her how much you love them and you spanked them because you do love them so much.  You want them to learn to obey and you want the to learn right from wrong.

    You should never spank a child in anger, that will do the child more harm than good.  If you are angry, leave and come back when you are no longer angry and then punish the child in the correct way.

    I have found that if you punish children while they are small, when they get older there will be no need to punish them for they have learned how to obey and what is right and wrong.      


  7. I think so!  I personally think spanking is wrong. It's one thing if the child is one, and a little tiny spanking, but once they are old enough for a better punshiment? It's best to take their favorite toy away from them for a day. Sit in a corner, etc.  

  8. such a complex question!!

    just using a belt isn't a legal definition of abuse in most states. Repeated hitting with any implement or your hand that causes busing, swelling o beaks the skin is.

    Each state has separate laws on what is and what is not abuse. Where I am, an implement like a belt is not grounds for abuse. but leaving marks is, as is public humiliation tactics (like being called to the front of a classroom or church group to be "whipped").

    So, it really depends how it's being used. is it more of a scare tactic, or is it really to inflict pain and humiliation?

  9. In my book...YES!  Just be careful about reporting him because you will be the one leaving the situation or the home!

  10. Yes in my opinion, but there could be exceptions, like if the child did something to put his own life in danger, break the law, or hurt someone, the parent might feel justified using the belt as a way to get through to the child how wrong that was. I agree with other answers that it's abuse if it's done often or for trivial reasons, or if it leaves bruises or welts. Also I would ad that a parent should never discipline a child when they are drunk, or when they are carried away with too much anger. They should stop and consider their actions first.

  11. all depends if he leaves marks or not. Spanking is allowed in the US but should never be done with a belt.

  12. I feel that spanking is abuse, but i mean, if he does it not that often, then I guess your okay. But, if it's frequent, like everyday after he gets home from work (or whatev.) then that should be considered abuse. I would tell your mom (if you are in contact with her) and/or tell a counselor at school. If that is not an option, tell a trusted adult. Either way, don't keep this a secret if he does it often.

    hope this helps!


  13. techinically yes. but only if it really really hurts him. like leaves bruises and welts. you shouldnt even hit a child. really. they wont learn from it. it causes emotional and phisical pain that stays forever. ok. not the phisical. but yeah. and what if he went to school telling people that. your husband/dad could get sent to prison....

  14. Yes, I would say so.

    Sometimes I think corporal punishment is necessary -- but not with an object such as a belt.


  15. Did you ever get hit with a belt? How old is the child and what did he do to deserve this kind of punishment? Most parents pass on their punishment to their children because that's how they were brought up. I saw a man yesterday whipping this little girl while the mother was getting a bag of dope from the dealer. My wife told me not to whip the guy's ***, so I called the cops on the M----R F----R. That little girl didn't deserve that at all. I hope you use common sense when it comes to disciplining a child. Emotional scares last much longer that the pain itself !

  16. oh yeah!  There is never any reason to be hit with a belt or anything else for that matter.  

  17. yes

  18. no! i hate when people think spanking is abuse!!!!!! it's only abuse when they do it randomly and the kid didn't do anything to deserve it

  19. I hate this NO. NO. that's very bad, you are on time out stuff. Children are like dogs, if you don't show authority they will always run over you. As far as leaving bruises goes, I think the kids muscle density should determine whether or not it is abuse. A fat kid bruises much easier than a kid that is active and has muscle tone. I was whipped often as a kid and it didn't kill me. I healed. My mother whipped my face with a switch( only once, and I was older), but I'm not physically, or emotionally scared from it. Corporal punishment if administered for the right reasons reinforces a value system(remember pavlovian conditioning/ conditioned response). I resent the yelling and screaming from my parents more than the whipping, so "NO" I do not believe whipping or bruising is child abuse. I'm not saying child abuse doesn't exist, but their are alot worse cases than a few slight bruises.

  20. i think it is

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