
If a democratic cantidate had an unwed teenage daughter would James Dobson issue press releases praising them?

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Like he did with Sarah Palin?




  1. Yes, I believe he would.  A christian recognizes the good in people and not because of their political affiliation. The young girl that you speak of is going to have and raise her baby. She values life and does not want an abortion. So she made a mistake, but she is taking responsibility for it and I applaud her. We are all human and we all make mistakes. Give her a break. chill out.

  2. i am not a dem but i was very impressed by Obama's answer to all this...leave the family and the kids alone

  3. He praised them for not seeking an abortion. Yes, he would do the same for a democrat.  

  4. Another message board I post on (just for women) was talking about this not long ago. I am sad to say that my fellow conservatives, especially big name ones like James Dobson, might gloat a little if it happened to Obama.

  5. If this had been the democratic candidate it would have been swept under the rug for much longer and then barely made an issue in the media except for a few conservative talk shows.

    Its politics people

    What do you expect????

    You people really think there are more conservative news hosts and talk show hosts out there than liberal???  Oh please.

    You might as well rename CNN and MSNBC to I love Obama networks.  (as well as all the major networks like NBC, CBS and ABC)

    How people can complain about Fox news when its so obvious how much the other networks gush over Obama is beyond me.

    I cant wait to see what SNL comes up with next as soon as it comes back on the air.

    Last time they made fun of this fact it made those stations actually play fair for about a week.  (then they went back to kissing up)

  6. More than likely, condemn them to "h**l".  Funny how the hurricane and S****y teenager have turned the GOP convention on its head.

  7. What a candidate's daughter, or any other person, does is no reflection on the candidate.  Even if the candidate's daughter was a murderer, what does that have to do with the qualifications of the candidate??

  8. Many democrats have unwed teenage daughters.

  9. Of course not. They'd be dirty little s****s, and that's what you get when you have liberal parents.  When it's a republican, why, the poor thing, she needs our love and support. She needs to be coddled and put on a pedestal as an example to all young ladies. The hypocrisy is staggering.

  10. James Dobson would not praise a democrat if he walked on water. This is a case where a clergyman has converted into a political activist.

  11. Who is this "James Dobson" that unbelievers keep bringing up, and why is he brought up more than Jesus?

    As for Palin, she is forgiven, and all saved believers are still sinners.  If you don't realize that all saved believers are still sinners, then you don't understand why they became believers in the first place (they became believers in Jesus because they realized that they are sinners that need to be saved, like ALL OF US ARE)

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