
If a doctor said you had one year to live, what would you do?

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If a doctor said you had one year to live, what would you do?




  1. live life to the fullest and not worry about dieing

  2. perty



  3. Get a second opinion!

  4. live life travel places u've never been and first go to another doctor to make sure lol by the way r u talkin about u or jst wondering please tell me ur just curios bc if nt get the h**l of the comp and live ur life

  5. i would defenetly putr all my focus in GOd and do as much as i can to please him, so i can get to a way better place in a year, things such as giving back, helpin others, praying for a non painful death, praying to go to heaven its very important, if you dont ask....   who knows...peace.

  6. make a bucket list, of course!

    -get a tatoo: a flower with overlapping petals

    -eat Klondikes

    -travel to places i've never been to in Europe:Vienna, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Russia, Serbia, Kosovo, Lithuania, Germany, Norway, and finally Ireland

    -visit Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan to see the troops

    -spend lots of time with my cats and friends and family

    -jump off the golden gate bridge so i don't have to die in a hospital bed

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