
If a doctor was going to do surgery on you, would you prefer s/he was a creationist or an evolutionist?

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If a doctor was going to do surgery on you, would you prefer s/he was a creationist or an evolutionist?




  1. if, for some reason, it actually mattered, I would pick the evolutionist because the doctor would be a (wo)man of science, and therefor it might just be a little more comforting to know the surgeon sees the body as a scientific, developed organism than as someone who believes we were created from clay by God.

  2. i don't care!  i would want the best qualified surgeon for my operation.

  3. i would prefer it if the doctor was a surgeon.  

  4. Evolutionist.  

    Surgeons are all aware of antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA, and if they are creationist they are in complete denial about the evolution of these microbes.

    I wouldn't want someone like this, who is completely out of touch with reality, to be cutting me open and fiddling about with my innards.

  5. It doesn't matter what they believe, they both have the sanctity to preserve life and would do as they're supposed to when performing the it really won't ever matter

  6. Funny, the issue never came up in medical school.  

    I'd prefer that my surgeon was technically excellent, and whatever his/her religious views are is immaterial.

  7. Creation vs. evolution has no bearing on doing surgery.. but to be a strict creationist you have to either deny or completely fail to understand science, so I'd be worried they wouldn't be much of a surgeon either.  Though an evolutionary creationist ("God made it all, but He did it partly by creating evolution and just dumbed down the explanation for all us stupid people..") would be fine!  

  8. evolutionist: then i will get real medicine... instead of something like "pray & u will be saved..."

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