
If a family member passes away while you were mad at them, would you mourne as much?

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If a family member passes away while you were mad at them, would you mourne as much?




  1. Maybe even more if I had an unresolved issue with that person.

  2. yes, even more so because I never got the chance to make up with them

  3. you probably would be even more sad because then your last memory of them is being angry at them.  

  4. Yeah you`d be extremely upset...

  5. yes i would, cause nothing compares to losing a family member. i was angry at my grandma and then my great uncle who was her brother 2 weeks later, that only happened 4 days ago and i have completely forgiven her, but if it was my grandma who died i would have never forgiven myself. I'm not sure if you're asking this because it has happened or if you're just asking but I'm sorry if it did.

    just remember when someone dies if you believe in heaven and stuff then it's not goodbye, it's see you later. that's what comforts me in this difficult time.

  6. I would, because you would never be able to make amends with them.

  7. i would probably mourn even more for them.. knowing that they passed away with me being angry at them instead of being loving to them and caring  

  8. I would probaly be to the point of suicide so yes..

  9. No you would Mourne even more. Because you would never have the chance to tell them sorry or i forgive you, and you will have to live with that fact for the rest of your life. =/

  10. i would mourne more, cuz i would have never had a chance to correctly say goodbye

  11. You may mourne them more. This is why we forgive others (give up the right to punish). We never know when we're seeing someone for the last time.  

  12. Yes. you mourn as much because you didn't even have the chance to settle what ever happened in the past.  Anyway, being there in the service; you already show your love and respect.

  13. You would probably mourne them even more.

  14. yea you would still mourne as much and on top of that you would feel bad that you guys couldnt make amends before they passed away...

    but it wouldnt b too the service ask for forgiveness and let them know you love them...thats what i would do

  15. I think you would regret being mad at them and feel so sad about not having the opportunity to apologise.  Feeling mad is just temporary.  The strength of family ties is forever.

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