
If a famous person was at your door step what would your reaction be

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If a famous person was at your door step what would your reaction be




  1. I'd just wonder why they were at my door and ask them what they wanted?

    However, if it was Johnny Depp he'd be dragged right into my house and I'd have to lock the door and accidently lose the keys :)

  2. I would be courteous as with any other guest at my place.

  3. hey, i am a, i would ask them if they were hungry, make them take off their shoes...and point them to the x-box 360

  4. I'd be speechless and invite them in the house

  5. i would wonder "why are they here".  

    honestly, i have been to miami, fl during spring break and i passed by so many famous people and didn't notice.  i only know because my friends told me after the fact.

  6. i would say hi. not react bad and maybe hug them!! you know famous people don't like it that much when fans scream and like, attack them. i would maybe ask for their phone number!!

  7. it depend who it was and if i knew which famous person it was  then ill died of shock and slam the door on their face and start to panic then ill come back to earth then ill invite them in  

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  9. I would be just as polite and kind to them as I would be to anyone else . I would probably assume they just looked like someone famous though.  

  10. I would ask if they want to go to the station for an on - air interview!  and maybe i could host a meet and greet with them at the station!

    i would ask if they have any lines like clothing or whatever. if they could do a trade or donate some to the station!  then i would try to get a local radio station to get in on it too and help give the tv station more props!

    sorry i see famous peeps frequently... some i don't know but most i know and they are cool!  all i ask is for  photo with them so i can have in my scrapbook...

  11. It would depend entirely upon who it was.

  12. it'd depend who it is......johnny depp (come on in!!!) george bush (slam the door!)

  13. I'd ask him/her what they wanted and how they were doing.

  14.   Hi: I would offer a peanut-butter sandwich and drink and the use of my phone, ask for autograph and take to bus station..thx,,

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