
If a farmer walks into a bar and sees a brown cow making out with a chicken what does he say??

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If a farmer walks into a bar and sees a brown cow making out with a chicken what does he say??




  1. Now there's a way to get your steak and eggs in one easy package.


    Those beer goggles must be stronger than the ones they gave me last night.  I just spent the night with a sheep.

  2. he says : "mm...i wanna tell you that....." the the cow replayed : "ok don't...." then the story finished and thats it .... :P

  3. So that's how we get grade A extra extra large eggs.

  4. dont get mad sweety i will drink yor milk...its sweeter than my wife's

  5. Brownnnn Chicken

  6. "Brown chicken brown cow!"

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