
If a filly is weaned from her mother too early, what will the side affects be?

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My friend rescued a little filly form slaughter..who is only 3 months old and has already been weaned. How will this affect her?




  1. I know that a lot of foals weaned too early (death of dam or PMU foals)  will actually be spoiled and attach themselves to the humans.

    In the end they are pampered so much that they become brats.

    She still needs to be taught her lessons that mom would have (respect). If you treat her like she is a giant puppy and let her  nip you, kick, rear, etc....just because you think it's cute, you will have a full blown incorrigible brat by the time they are 8 mos old.

    For nutrients you can give her Foal Lac powder sprinkled on her moistened pellets.  We did that with our orphan.

    She was a peach and had the best disposition!

  2. She will most likely be more attached to who ever she sees most if people never come out and socialize with her she will go to someone in her herd and act as if it were her mother. She will be okay though, she wont have mental issues or anything.She could be buddy sour when she grows up though and that could resoulte in some issues but she can be cured of that.

    P.S. I appreciate your friend VERY much for saving the pour filly and I thank her for giving her a better life! ♥

  3. She ought to be fine. Foals who are weaned that early usually end up alright. Make sure she is getting all of the nutrients that she needs. A vet will recommend any supplements she may need.

  4. She may become more dependent on you or other herd members, as she is still in her "attachment" phase.

    3 months is young, but not completely unheard of. The average is 4 to 6 months. (I prefer 6 months or longer. They seem to be more independant and affectionate.)

    But, I would say that as long as she is eating and drinking and all around healthy, your friend's littlte filly should be fine.

    I used to work on a ranch and once an older mare broke out and got bred. After foaling, her milk supply just wasn't enough for the liitle foal and the mare became very guant, even with all the extra nutrients the owner lavishly supplied her with. At three months he made the decision to wean the foal.

    Sweet Pea is now a very fine, very healthy 10 year old and a happy member of our herd. But, she has to know where every member of the herd is at all times, and if we go for a ride and don't include her, she neighs loud and long and she sounds like you're permanently taking her best friend away. None of our other horses are clingy like she is.  I have asked other horse owners why this is so, and they have mentioned it is probably because she was weaned young.

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