
If a flu pandemic is the greatest threat to the UK, should we divert money spent on the 'war on terror?'

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"A flu pandemic is the gravest threat to UK security as it could claim up to 750,000 lives, according to a new National Risk Register."




  1. A logical man would conclude that we spend our resources on the threat which is statistically greater.

    Obviously, logic has no place in politics.

  2. Russia is reasserting itself again and invading its neighbors but you want to weaken the military further. European's I tell you. The US will not help you this time, we have our own problems.

  3. The war on terror is as valid as Sadams Weapons of mass destruction. All boll*x designed to raise more tax and keep the sheeple worried/compliant.

    If you believe anything that this pathetic joke of a government say/publish then you are a r****d, and probably thought Tony B Liar was great.

  4. Guess were y'all run to for help The CDC in America Just as Canada did when they had their bird flu scare in eastern Canada Wish we had told them Y;all always talking about your ''free heath care'' take care of it yourself  But no we are always the good guys always helping ungrateful people

  5. You should definitely get out of Iraq and Afghanistan if you're troops aren't going to fight.  Save the money.

  6. bring it on theres too many people in the country/world today

  7. The Risk Register is just another gimmick from Gordon, to make him think that we are being "engaged" in his political agenda.

    In industry, we assess risk as a combination of the severity of the event and the likelihood of it happening.  750,000 is a headline-grabbing number (inflated, no doubt), but the last epidemic was in 1918, and living standards and medicine have increased so much since then.

    This revelation will not make a jot of difference to his priorites or his philosophy of "tax and spend unwisely".

  8. humm.... leave the troops high and dry, to combat some sniffles?

    is that right?

  9. Influenza is a hazard every year.  The CDC in the U.S. and WHO develops imune serem annually.  WHat does your question have to do with defending nations in the war on terror?

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