
If a friend spends money on you, does that warrant them acting like a jerk?

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.. or if its a girl, being a b1 tch? I don't get why people do this, I've met enough people to see them spend money on people (an act of kindness) and then be an a*****e making rude unnecessary comments to that same person. Its almost as if their gifts are supposed to counterbalance their a*****e behavior. I would rather that they just not spend any money at all,.. no monetary exchanges in gifts and no borrowing. Has anyone had a similar experience with their "friends"?




  1. I haven't had taht experience but that is no reason to be rude to someone.

  2. yeah man had this friend who would call me over to his house and i'd say what are we going to be up to? i have no cash. he replies "na doesn't matter i'll shout" cool.

    then next week got that money you owe me? FUNKN WHAT?! yeah he claimed one night i owed him $700 cause of all of the times he shouted me when i didn't care if he did or not..

    he never got his 700

  3. That is the way the cookie crumbles. Next time you learn not to accept gifts from immature people.

    Good Luck!

  4. yes it's like they buy you something just so they can treat you like c**p later. i don't get it, i don't buy stuff for people that i'm gonna be rude too

  5. I have not had a similar experience that I can think of, and no, gift-giving doesn't buy an "act like a jerk" free card.  I know what you mean, and I've seen people do that.  I think the jerks know their behavior is out-of-line, and I think they know gifting will buy tolerance of their behavior most of the time.  It's wrong, and I'm curious to know what their subconscious, warped logic is for their actions.  Personally, I wouldn't have "friends" like that.  It wouldn't take me long to make a break with someone who treated me like that.  After the first time, I'd refuse any future gifts, because friends don't treat friends like that.

  6. no wow your friends are jerks.

  7. its an ego thing -completely immature of course- but unfortunately most people (yes even the ones who won't admit it) feel that spending hard earned money on a friend makes that friend 'indebted' to them. the 'expected' payback is not the same amount spent but rather, its a bit of righteous arrogance that the friend should put up with. i'm not saying its right but at some point in our lives, we've all felt that we deserve something for the 'act of kindness' we did. its a vicious cycle but its human nature. best thing to do when you're on the receiving end of the a**hole behavior, take it like a man and chalk it up to experience.

  8. Luckily, no. But that just sucks because favors or stuff like that don't give them a right to treat you that way. That's just wrong. They think money gives them power to do whatever the h**l they want. Obviously doesn't buy them friends!

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