
If a geenie appeared and would grant you 1 wish: either one million dollars or to cure?

by  |  earlier

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your neighbor's child or some other unrelated child from a terminal disease, (and no one would ever know about your decision, or your benefactor geenie), which would you choose and why? BE honest. (Although I would prefer the 1 million dollars, I could not live with myself if I ignore the child's suffering, so I would go with curing the kid).




  1. i would cure the child most definetly. a child's life is a precious thing. unless my some of my million dollars could cure the child lol i smell a loophole

  2. I would ask for super powers (the ability to make things happen) so I could cure the child and still manifest a million dollars.

  3. i would wish for a cure for the kid's disease and then sell it (like mass produce and sell it to everyone), but give it to the kid for free

  4. The million dollars would be really nice!! But I would have to choose curing the child. A million dollars doesn't automatically make you happy (though it could for a while), there's no better feeling than saving a life. Saving a life is worth a million!!

  5. If the million dollars was tax free then I'd take that. I could do a lot more good for more people if I had a million dollars, so I'd want that over doing something good for just one person.

  6. Curing the child.

    You've got the rest of your life to make a million dollars,

    only one to save the child's - otherwise it will definitely die

    Besides human life is priceless, more valuable then anything, whether it's someone you know or not! (gosh im boring lol - but its true)

  7. why should that one kid be saved at not one of the other thousands, that's what you'd be asking yourself after you saved the kid, sure you'll feel good about saving him but you'd always wonder if there was another kid who deserved it more, you would go insane thinking about it, you'd say to yourself what if there was another child who would have done great things if only I had saved them, and what if this kid becomes a murderer or rapist, what if he just throws away his life for no more of a reason than just not liking people, so think these things through before you answer to quickly, and as for me I'd save the kid, why? because I can get over what I just talked about and also money is evil in my opinion.

  8. Million bucks

  9. The money of course!

  10. I'd take the million dollars and give to charities which could help more people

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