
If a giant cockroach came in to your nursing class would you...?

by  |  earlier

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A: Get to the nearest fire extinguisher and....

a. sprat it

b. use it as a weapon

B. get soap and mix it with and then spray the bug

C. calmly inform the teacher after class


D. Evacuate every one in the class and sacrifice yourself.




  1. hm.... I don't know.... I am terrified of cockroaches, so I think I would be the first one out of the class... and use the teacher as a shield.

  2. what am I doing in nursing class?

    oh and b (the first, small b).

  3. a. with my eyes firmly closed... let's hope i don't hit my toe instead!!

  4. psshhh. none. i would run out of the class using the kids as human shields.

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