
If a girl finds out her father is a Top Contributor in the LGBT section, should she be concerned?

by  |  earlier

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LOL he's not my dad. Though with the middle name he gave me, I wouldn't be surprised.




  1. no. it's his business. oh he is not spending your money is he?

  2. lol errrm maybe a little  

  3. No.. Maybe he just enjoys answering questions here..

    if  hes g*y.. so what!!?

    She shud love him no matter what his preference is

  4. no just daddys still in the closet

  5. If a father finds out his daughter is posting in the LGBT section, should HE be concerned?

  6. Well she will have to figure out which parent should go clothes shopping with her right away before the school season starts but other than that nothing to be concerned about at all.

  7. he deserves a cookie!

    why be concerned? that's he's online too much> what??

  8. no there should be a reasonable explanation for it just sit down and have a serious conversation with him about it.

  9. ask him. if he is, you two can help each other. you never know. but  may i tell you, that alot of people arent really lgbt in here. alot of peole just like this i know him?i think i might.

  10. Only if she looks at his questions and see he asks about how to tell his family he's g*y

  11. So what would the girl be doing in LGBT? She must be g*y too.

  12. hahahaha =P

    i think that would be funny

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