
If a girl gets a s*x change and gets a p***s can they get erections? and are they triggered like mens are?

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and does it give them orgasms similiar to mens? also do they find it hard to control if they can get erections?




  1. yes they can get erect no not the same as a normal man usually need to be pumpped up like a tennis shoe

  2. First to clarify, if a woman gets a "s*x change" a v****a is created. If a man gets s*x reassignment surgery a p***s is created. Remember the whole point of a s*x change is to align your body up with who you already are! ...but i know what you meant to ask :-)

    Transsexual men are capable of erection and erotic sensation. Of the two main kinds of surgery available to them, one takes advantage of the body's natal ability to become erect -- after all, men and women have about equal amounts of erectile tissue, its just that the typical man has more erectile tissue outside of the body and the typical woman has more erectile tissue on the inside, the very peak which is visible outside as the clitoral tip. More erectile tissue can be brought outside the body, creating a p***s that allows the man to stand to urinate and achieve an erection when sexually aroused. Its no more or less difficult to control than most men's erections.

    The other kind of surgery is basically the same surgery used for "factory equipped men" (non transsexual) who loose their p***s due to cancer, injury, etc. Most of the tissues are grafted from a few other places in the body, the nerves of the grafts are mingled with the erotic nerves already there, and finally an erectile pump is implanted. Erotic sensation is preserved, but you must manually pump the p***s to full erection. This surgery allows you full control over your erection, including staying hard as long as you want!

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