
If a girl gets pregnant at your school what happens?

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like some people at my school call them s***s especially since most of them are in between age of 13 and 16




  1. I wouldn't say their s***s, just really unlucky. At my school a girl comes in until she's too pregnant to manage and gets about 3 months leave. But people never think about the guys, it takes two to tango!

  2. I don't think a girl has ever gotten pregnant at my high school...if she did, I think we'd be a little stunned!

  3. they shouldnt do anything the girls are having s*x that is there life not the schools the school doesnt control the girls they can tell them not to come back but they can walk right in the school but they would get arrested

  4. they call 'em s***s? thats mean. :(

    a girl hasnt got pregnant at our skool. but if there was, i would wish the best for them.

  5. same goes for my school except they dont say it to their faces. there were about 30 freshman at my school pregnant last year. and 2 sophomores and 1 senior.

    yeah as you can see the younger they are the less smart they are  

  6. Well, I'm in college so usually people don't give much of a d**n.

    But in high school the pregnant teens usually withdrew themselves and a lot of their friends ditched them. Most of what I saw was that actually virgins were more likely to be kinder to the pregnant kids because the sexually active ones wanted to avoid them. They were just trying to ignore the facts that s*x has consequences and having one of their peers be pregnant was a pink elephant in the room.

    The real school government students got annoyed because pregnant teens on average lowered the overall GPA of the school.

  7. In all honesty, most girls at my school have abortions.

    About every other year, we have a girl get pregnant. They are usually a junior or a senior. No one really looks down on them. They usually stay in school, and carry he baby full term. When they give birth, they take maternity leave with six weeks of homebound instruction.  

  8. guys make jokes, girls are like AWWW, councelor calls you ALL the time and talks to you too, spreads around most of the school...

    my mom got pregnant at 18 with me and she switched schools cuz she was too embarassed and nobody knew her at the other school.

    i can't imagine how hard that would be...DON"T GET PREGNANT KIDS!!!

  9. You get stares, rumors spread, trash talked but legally the school cant expell you. When i came up pregnant my gym teacher tried making me drop the class with an "f" grade. I want to the main office and legally theres nothing they can do, otherwise it would be discrimination.

  10. its noramal and no one says anything  

  11. They usually have a baby,

    At the school I went to pregnancy was not such a big schocker. since allot of girls already had kids when they started their freshman year.

    But the school councler talks to youj about your options, encourrages you to stay in school and has you sign up for a program called motherlove.

    I was really sick during my pregnancy so they alays got my work together for me so I could do it at home.

  12. same thing would happen in my school but some people like teachers are really nice and support them. but i dont know if the girls come back to school if they know there pregnant, i think they are eligible for private tutoring (not sure)

  13. I don't know, never saw a pregnant girl at my school cuz I was a freshi but I'm gonna be a sofmore this year (tomorrow) but when I was joking with my friend M*******....***************** in algeba she blah blah blah blah.....  I was making jokes like usual and she mentioned that she did no some girls in our grade who were prego

  14. Okay, so I've been done school for a few years now, but I do remember a lot of teen girls getting pregnant. Nothing happened to them. Most of them went on to have their babies and no one bothered them. Some girls gave there babies up.

      And one thing, just because they get pregnant young doesn't mean they are a s**t.I had a friend in High School who was 16 when she had her first baby. She is 23 now, with 3 kids and all with the same daddy. She's getting married next year. Doesn't sound much like a s**t does she?

      You know, young pregnant girls have enough on their minds without being hassled at school. People should lay off. I am surprised at some of the answers on here. I think you guys should think of what it would be like. Never judge someone until you have walked in their shoes. Remember, it can happen to you too.

  15. They get expeled for the time that they are pregnant. ususally those girls don't come back because they are embarassed...

  16. Rumors start about who's the father. The mother gets called mean names. And made fun off. The kids in my school pretty much make their life a living h**l.


  17. no one is pregnant in my school

  18. One of my friends in the grade a head of me (grade 8) got pregnant beacause she was drunk and on drugs because she hated her mom, but anyway she was trasfered to a high school (grade 11) and no one knew about it. So every one thought that she was getting an abortion and called her a baby killing, drunken, drug addict, s**t. But when she came back after she gave birth and came back, she was no longer refered to as sweatie, but now as Sluty McHoebag and same with the other 3 girls that got pregnant.  

  19. They call a whole assembly and lecture you on why not to get pregnant, then nobody talks to the girls untill they regain feeling in their heads.

  20. just cuz your a young mom doesnt mean your a s**t or anything like 16 and im not the first or last to be in high school being pregnant..

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